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wktam01_foroyskt [2012/03/09 10:43] (current)
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 +© 2009 Einar Petersen
 +Upprunaliga ritstjórnad av Christine LePorte
 +Føroyska av Einar Petersen
 +Rættlesing MR X
 +Permumynd Snorri Debess -
 +Hetta verki 
 +This work is published under:
 +License v. 1.0.2
 +Duplication, or reproduction, onto any media, by any means, known as well as presently
 +unknown, is to follow the written terms in license v.1.0.2 that can be found toward the end of
 +this document - Please note that violation of any of the stated terms may be prosecuted in a
 +court of the copyright holder's choice, to the maximum extent of the law.
wktam01_foroyskt.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/09 10:43 (external edit)