anyfilename = 'textfile001.txt' f = open(anyfilename,'r') output = [] newoutput=[] htmloutput=[] for line in f: if '' in line: output.append(line) f.close() '''determine length of list and then setnumber_of_lines to this value''' count = 0 number_of_lines = 0 linenumber = 0 for i in output: count = count+1 '''Now we have the number of lines''' number_of_lines = count for i in range(0, number_of_lines): '''print "gubblegub" ''' '''print output[i] ''' else: print 'Reading the information into output complete now we should perform string operation' print " " print " " '''First assignment clean output for anything after : in each line''' print "Innerloop beginning, finding all instances of ':'" for i in range(0, number_of_lines): search = '' output[i].find(search) index = output[i].find(search) '''print search, "found at index", index''' '''Now we cut the end of every sentence of output''' cut_text_from_string=output[i][13:index] print ' \n' print cut_text_from_string if '' in line: newoutput.append(cut_text_from_string) print 'We have now removed all heading text and trailing text after the ":" ' print "innerloop 2 complete and we can begin stripping down further in order to build our HTML" ''' actual_imagefilename - Is the primary variable to find as most of the latter variables will depend upon it, this we read from within the tags ??? of the line in question, once we have that we are ready to move on ''' for i in range(0, number_of_lines): search = '' newoutput[i].find(search) index = newoutput[i].find(search) print search, "found at index", index indexvalue1=int(index) print indexvalue1 actual_soundfilename = newoutput[i][indexvalue1+11:indexvalue1+11+8] print actual_soundfilename '''create sentence for soundplayback script''' soundplayback = '' print "This is the soundplayback / embed sentencegeneration" + soundplayback '''Use actual_soundfilename to create the_HTML_playbackname_for_an_image ''' the_HTML_playbackname_for_an_image = actual_soundfilename + '.html' print the_HTML_playbackname_for_an_image search2 = '' newoutput[i].find(search2) index = newoutput[i].find(search2) print search2, "found at index", index indexvalue2=int(index) print indexvalue2 an_alternate_title_for_the_image_for_HTML_purposes = newoutput[i][:indexvalue2] print an_alternate_title_for_the_image_for_HTML_purposes the_title_of_the_image = an_alternate_title_for_the_image_for_HTML_purposes print the_title_of_the_image + 'Is the text displayed on a mouseover' search3 = '' newoutput[i].find(search3) index = newoutput[i].find(search3) print search3, "found at index", index indexvalue3=int(index) print indexvalue3 actual_imagefilename = newoutput[i][indexvalue3-8:indexvalue3] print actual_imagefilename an_alternate_title_for_the_image_for_HTML_purposes = 'This is the image for ' + an_alternate_title_for_the_image_for_HTML_purposes + ' ' + actual_imagefilename print an_alternate_title_for_the_image_for_HTML_purposes '''if condition needed for number so that 0 is padded before''' generatedHTMLstring = soundplayback + '
' print generatedHTMLstring htmloutput.append(generatedHTMLstring+'\n') anyfilename2 = 'htmltablefile001.txt' fob2 = open(anyfilename2,'w') fob2.writelines(htmloutput) fob2.close() print "Hallo der" '''Open fob for HTML in append mode''' '''Write values of our HTML code to fob''' '''Close the fob''' ''' search = '' string.find(search) index = string.find(search) print search, "found at index", index search2 = '' string.find(search2) index = string.find(search2) print search2, "found at index", index cut_text_from_string = string[7:24] print cut_text_from_string '''