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The Fated Sky - Fortunes Fools Review

Writing this review is not easy because I don't want to spoil the wonderful twists and surprises. There is so much I would love to say but I will do my best to keep this as spoiler-free as possible.

Book One of the Transgressor Trilogy - The Fated Sky - Fortunes Fools, is set on a desolate world somewhere out at the fringes of the known human domain. It is an impoverished world where struggle to survive is the daily order of business.

In this world, the Zoukai, elite warriors protect trade caravans that travel across the land. A serendipitous find is made by a caravan and an outsider is brought into the mix of intrigue deception and power struggles that define the political structures of the planet.

In the story Warlords like Qabal Vyazin and his strong man Jariq Zarengor, The Black Vavasor shine as characters, as do Cair the Zoukai Captain and the unfortunate Kashlihk fighting-slave whom we get acquainted to early in the story.

I don't want to go too much into the plot nor the characters as they need to be experienced by you yourself - Untainted of my interpretations.

What I will say is that the tale of E.M. Swifthook is awesome!!! - It has action, emotion and characters you can truly feel for as they go through their ordeals.

The setting is brutal, raw and rough is the life of the inhabitants of Temsevar and their fates feel real as you learn of their plight.

If you are looking to read something that will loom in the back of your mind you should read The Fated Sky, you won't be disappointed.

The Fated Sky: Transgressor Trilogy Book One (Fortune's Fools 1) is the first part of a trilogy that I shall thoroughly enjoy reading the last two books of, in order to find out what happens to those wonderful characters that E.M. Swifthook has so brilliantly conjured up.

So if you are looking for an entertaining well-written read don't hesitate to pick up this title.

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Print Length: 985 pages
Publisher: E.M. Swift-Hook (March 22, 2017)
Publication Date: March 22, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English