Order commercial license or comment.

<form> Action mail e_petersen_spamfree1@globability.org Thanks “Thanks for your order / comments! Copy –> http://einarpetersen.com/doku.php?id=galorelicense ←- into your browser url if you need to comment or order more licenses”

Fieldset “Yes I/we would like to sign up for a commercial license costing 40-150 US$ and agree to follow the license terms below.”

Textbox “Your Name” “=Enter your name here” email “E-Mail address” “=Enter your e-mail address here” Textbox “Street” “=Enter your street address here” Textbox “Zip code” “=Enter zip code here” Textbox “City” “=Enter your city here” Textbox “Country” “=Enter your country here” Textbox “Other contact info” “=Enter other contact info here”

Textbox “Write Galore Library name here”

Textbox “Indicate 1-10 Employees or individual - 40 Us$”=“ ” Textbox “Indicate 10+ Employees - 150 Us$”=“ ” Textbox “Upgrade from 1-10 to 10+ license, 110US$”=“ ”

fieldset “Terms”

textarea “License”=“DO NOT CHANGE - Galore graphics library license for Blender 3D - These libraries are being created to make it possible for you to shortcut the creative process, so that you can produce some rudimentary results as quickly as possible, be it for rapid prototyping, brainstorming or for professional purposes. The libraries are released under a creative commons non commercial license - However this does not mean you can't use them for commercial purposes and at a dirt cheap price as well. The Galore graphics library by Einar Petersen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. To use the library in a commercial environment, you simply purchase a commercial license, a license that allows you to use the libraries to produce a final product, like renderings, a movie, posters, games and such. You may not resell the individual objects unless they are an integrated part of a complete production and you may not resell the library itself and it is a requirement that if you use the library for commercial purposes, that you at the latest before 14 days have passed since you got paid for your professional product, purchase or sign up for the commercial license. You may use these assets within other environments for example in Unity3D or other similar systems. At this time a commercial license for a library is just 40 US$, this is subject to change, however is not expected to do so. This gives you as a private person, or a company employing less that 10 persons, a perpetual royalty free license to use the libraries. Companies employing 10+ people, pay a slightly higher license fee of 150 US$ at the time of writing (subject to change, but not expected to). If your company grows to 10+ employed, you are required to purchase an upgrade license costing 110US$ at this time (subject to change but not expected to do so). All you need to do in addition to paying the license fee, is to give attribution to the library, as you would if you use the library for non commercial purposes. The license is non transferable, so end user needs to purchase the license, if purchase is needed. How's that for legal mumbo jumbo - Pretty straight forward eh ? This is all down to a strive for ease of use and your satisfaction!!! - By submitting you agree to these terms. And remember you may distribute the library file freely in it's unaltered form according to the license. Do drop an email if you use the library with references to your work. This will increase the visibility of your work, rights are reserved to make such references, if the product is being used by you. That said Have fun - Go create!!! All the best Einar Petersen”

textarea “Comments”

textbox “To reduce SPAM please write the symbols in the image catchpa (image below) here –>” /^agree$/

fieldset “By submitting your request for a commercial license or comment, you indicate it is okay for Einar Petersen, or one of his appointed representatives, to contact you regarding this request, or the Galore graphics libraries.”

submit “Submit”




Privacy: Your E-Mail or personal information will not be shared with anyone, besides as stated on this form/or in license terms, unless required by valid court order!!!

All rights reserved - With reservation for changes and errors.

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