
在今年剩下的时间里您将每月都有机会赢得大奖 2013


关注我的新浪微博:我的用户名是einarpetersen - http://www.weibo.com/u/2680204453

然后评论我的童话故事《一个孤单女孩的故事》 或 《黄金眼》 ,您将每月都有机会赢得30美元的奖励。



您写的评论需要链接至我的故事 http://einarpetersen.com/doku.php?id=lonelygirl_cn 《一个孤单女孩的故事》 或 《黄金眼》 http://einarpetersen.com/doku.php?id=fiordlings_cn













我希望这样的要求不算太过分,但是您不用花费一分钱即可分享,记住,我在此推广“全球能力倡议”The Global Ability Initiative 的有关知识,所有费用均由我自己承担而并不是由那些大公司提供赞助。



通过 http://moneybookers.com或支付宝支付奖金 http://paypal.com

一旦奖金根据您在 上给出的地址发出(如果用电子钱包),如果在moneybookers.com规定的转账时间内您没有提取,奖金将被没收。选择支付宝支付,奖金将根据您的要求简单送达 - 在14天内索取奖金,过期作废。



您诚挚的 Einar Petersen

呵呵… 不要忘了与您的朋友和别人一起分享!!!-祝您好运!!!

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UK/US version

A monthly chance to win for the remainder of the year 2013

The premise of this competition is incredibly simple.

Become my fan on sina.weibo: I am user einarpetersen - http://www.weibo.com/u/2680204453

Then Blog/write about my fairy tale “The story of a lonely girl” or Fiordlings and you can get a monthly chance to win 30 US$.

The competition runs through 2013 and until Chinese New Year actually and for those participating more than one month there is a final chance to win a grand prize of 500 US$. Yes that's right, one lucky winner can walk away with 500 US$ !!!

Write the piece on your sina.weibo.com profile, as well as on any other of your social profiles, blogs, facebook wall, or your Google+ profile - basically on any legitimate social network you're using and where you feel comfortable about being known to be a fan of me and my writing.

In the piece you write you need to link back to my story at http://einarpetersen.com/doku.php?id=lonelygirl_cn or http://einarpetersen.com/doku.php?id=fiordlings_cn (special conditions for non Chinese participants apply)

A link to the Global Ability Initiative http://globability.org will be appreciated as well.

You will need to submit to the exact url where your piece is available so that it can be validated and some additional information about yourself to me through this webform

Your piece must live up to a couple of conditions:

It will have to include a brief synopsis of the story - preferably without too many spoilers.

It needs to include the story name, my name, the story genre and the reason for why I am making the story available for free online.

This being a good competition it will actually have several winners!!! One every month and in my eyes no losers per se, because no matter what, you will have helped to raise focus on a charitable effort for the disabled.

For every piece adhering to the above conditions you earn 1 opportunity to win, if you write more than one piece you have more opportunities.

All pieces need to be publicly viewable/shared with everyone on the particular service/forum.

All rights to pieces written about “The story of a lonely girl” are automatically signed over to me once you submit the piece to the competition, this includes the right to use, link to, create derivative works distribute etc. i.e. all rights.

There will be no time limit on said rights, they will run on a perpetual royalty free basis, with no geographic limitations.

While you are allowed to create multiple postings, you are not allowed to violate any of the rules of those places where you may be posting nor may you engage in activities that can be considered SPAMMING and result in my site being blacklisted.

You are also forbidden to use automated scripts, or other ways to artificially boost your number of posts.

I hope this was no too much, but the price for you to participate is virtually null and remember I am engagin in this is to promote knowledge about The Global Ability Initiative and the money comes directly from my own pocket and not from some mega corporation.

You can only participate if you may legally do so in your country.

Any taxes to be paid from winnings are to be paid by you.

Prizes will be paid out via http://moneybookers.com or via paypal.com

When the prize is sent to the address you give in the webform (if moneybookers is chosen), then if you do not claim your prize within the time period moneybookers.com offers you to claim the transfer, then the prize is forfeit. With paypal the money will simply be sent upon your request - you have 14 days to request the prize, after that the prize is forfeit.

This competition runs until the end 2013 (Chinese year) and winners will be drawn ultimo at the end of the month.

That said let the competition begin. Looking forward to your entries.

Oh… and don't forget to share this with your friends and the rest of the world! - GOOD LUCK!!!

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Special conditions for non Chinese - Please link to local language versions of the story available from my site if available.

lonelygirl_fiordling_cn_competition2013.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/26 02:53 (external edit)