Einar Petersen . Com


In the near future an Orwellian politician's wet dream of a neatly controlled society has been implemented.

Yet a brave handful of souls foreseeing what was ahead implemented a long term plan to set the world free. A resistance was born!

This was the premise for Implant! a short story originally available as a read on geocities way back when!

Implant! as a comicbook

The concept of Implant! evolved and the latest iteration of Implant! was successfully funded on Kickstarter as science fiction comic book project.

Implant! readable by the visually impaired and blind

Is a test in the development of the Reckoning project - In order to better demonstrate how to make comicbooks readable by the visually impaired and blind I've set off to convert Implant! to a format that can be read in a tactile format - Se more at the Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/einarpetersen/a-brailliant-implant

Get a copy!

Implant! is available as a read to anyone signing up to my ongoing science fiction comicbook venture Reckoning on Patreon with a price tag starting at one USD (1 US$) per month, a regular bargain and you will become part ofsomething amazing at the same time.

Reckoning is a project aimed at developing a fully 3D printable comic-book scifi series, pages readable by the visually impaired, printable models from every panel and so much more visit https://patreon.com/einarpetersen join us for at least one month to get your copy of Implant!

Here is a list of the wonderful people who supported the comicbook project Implant! - The Rising on Kickstarter

Read The story

Implant! - Here you can find the original text version of a very dark SCIFI tale from the near future.

Please NOTE: The text is First Draft Material! and has mainly been used as inspiration for the comic.

But nevertheless there it is.

A little history

History of the Implant! project

Adopt a page in the comicbook

A one year adoption of a page in the comicbook is available - contact me for further information

Implant! videos

Renderforest generated Trailer for Implant! - ITS AWESOME - https://vimeo.com/492149347

Implant! - American Voiceover Presentation (Kickstarter) - https://vimeo.com/177847643

Implant! - Russian Voiceover Presentation (Kickstarter) Implant! -- https://vimeo.com/177847221

Implant! (a Kickstarter video - this KS Failed) https://vimeo.com/177299766

Implant! - Epic Trailer - https://vimeo.com/178569332

Implant! - A Brailliant Implant! (Kickstarter promo) https://vimeo.com/463031034

Implant! in the media


Here you can find a few videos done in connection with Implant!

Do you want to see more stories of mine released as comic books sooner rather than later ?

Support me on Patreon https://patreon.com/einarpetersen and get the comicbook Implant! for signing up or

Make a support pledge today!!!

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