An utterly awesome science fiction tale Reviewed by Einar Petersen - @TheEinarkist
Last year had the chance to read John
F. Coppinger's Tertiary, I did it over a few
days and found it hard to put the book down, it was
a very pleasant experience indeed.
The story revolves around the discovery of some
ancient remains that could significantly affect the
present day interpretation of everything that we
know of world history and civilization.
I would so very much love to go into the amazing
details of this high paced intrigate adventure that
the protagonists embark upon, but that would be
spoiling your read, wouldn't it?
However without saying too much I can say that if
you love dinosaurs, high tech, or nano technology,
military and corporate conspiracies all blended with
good old fashioned action, I believe Tertiary has a
real treat in store for you.
I would absolutely love to see Tertiary made into a
movie, it truly holds so many insights into society
and life in general, insights that could be
beneficial for most people today to contemplate a
bit upon, as our society races onward... :)
Enjoy your trip into the past and into the future!
Kind Regards
So to recap:
Dinosaurs (Check!)
High Tech (Check!)
Nano Tech (Check!)
Military and Corporate Conspiracy (Check!)
Action (Check!)
Still reading? What are you waiting for? → Get your copy now!! Find your nearest copy by visiting John F. Coppinger's own goodreads page.
If you are into his sculpturing (you will if you are a true scifi fan) the please visit his pages and for more enjoyment.
Thanks for checking out this review!!!