So I am starting up my “” work again and need a quick little project to regain the feeling of traction again.
Some of you know the hard struggle that came down on The Global Ability Intitative, with “Russian” hackers trying to destroy our work by redirecting to… yah you know crapware n'stuff, as well as some SEO optimizing arseholes who had a stab at both my personal domain, as well as that of The Global Ability Initiative…. What a world eh?
Anyway I have decided to see how quickly I can make a rough POC for the small application on the suggestion page at the application is the one called NO #2 on the sketch. I will be snatching some of my variable names and the concept for this POC. Don't know how fast I can be with work and Chinese New Year sneaking up on me but let's see what we can get ourselves into and hopefully out off again :)
While I have never tried the LiveCode environment I figured I'll give it a try, as the promise of an easy to use cross platform application development framework that people are working on GPL'ing Kickstarter here is a great lure and being able to write once deploy to many platforms simultaneously, is something that I can't really stand for and why not try to chronicle my efforts as well so that others can learn.
If you want to follow my progress and tag along (and eventually speed ahead… probably sooner rather than later) you can download the Livecode development environment at in a 60 day free trial and create applications for Android, Linux, Apple IOS, Windows… though the trial is limited to one deployment OS at this time. Hope they'll change that.
The User Reference manual is here.
I also suggest you support the Kickstarter project they have going on if you have money or even the fact that you mention them is great stuff as well!
I have made my pledge and truly hope that my chronicling can result in something good as well. Both for The Global Ability Initiative as well as for the LiveCode GPL project…
Mind you that while I am using Day 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. does not imply full working days, but is merely an indication of what day I have worked of the 60 day trial period. I'll try to add some sort of time indication under every day.
Also notice there is no consistency in the use of we I and you… because… well there just isn't as I have been writing this as kind of a personal diary, while at the same time am working on preparing the text to be used for a tutorial in a more refined form… sorry if you are a grammar freak this one will have you sleepless and then some :)
At the end of the experiment I will be putting this into a nicer and more consistent form and clean up comments and code to the extent I deem needed for using the POC for something educational.
Creating a draggable button
Import as control
(choose image to import)
plonk image on screen
Select object - edit script
on mouseDown grab target end mouseDown
Then to give our draggable button a name… “circle” - how innovative :)
Time to figure out 5-10 minutes
Then onto collission detection as I thought this would be the proper way to do the testing
Spent a lot of time trying to get image location… however to no avail.
Time spent couple of hours…. good thing I cut my hair and shaved, or I'd be pulling it out with roots :)
So we have a cirle that can be moved, but what to do about the darn position…. Wonder if there might be a mouse position somewhere that could be used…
And Yup, Bingo !!!
Created a function called positionOfMouse() and decided to feed the results into a textfield (for demonstration purposes) on the main UI
And just to see that there is a change well when the button is released add a mouseup that overwrites the value - Eventually one could put this type of stuff into a loop that excutes continiously if one wants to check position all the time. (could be if you wanted to create a drawing (freehand) function or whatever…
We shall however likely be using the mouseUp for some sort of colission / boolean truth check
But like I said I am not too familiar with the environment so all this is going to be very crude.
But here's our button control object, that can now tell us where the mouse cursor was at when grabbed and delete everything when we release it again :)
on mouseDown grab target get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xCoord" end mouseDown on mouseUp put "finito" into field "xCoord" end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse
Hooray - a draggable button that tells us where it is! And then hurries to erase every trace….. but not for long
Now we add another thing to the circle mouseUp and remove our “finito thing” so the circle button looks like this:
on mouseDown grab target get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordStart" end mouseDown on mouseUp get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" --- do a loc check if = hole coordinates so hooray answer end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse
Now we add another element - the hole to where we wish our circle to be draggable to, and imaginative as we are we call this element holeWe lock the position (right click on image - select lock position)Now by using what our program already does we can determine if location is roughly within following x,x-y,y coordinates we can accept that we have pulled the circle to the hole and the answer is correct.So pull the circle around and find an acceptible zone and write down your findings.The coordinates I'm choosing are as follow: 60.90-40,70Now we need to look at our mouseUPwe need to use the coordinates we are posting into the textfield within an if structure to determine if we are in the correct position.
Chinese new year today - Do not expect much activity today :) Xin Nian Kuai Le - May you all live long and prosper ! ;)
Upcoming plan is creating a location check akin to this pseudocode_
if (value leftmost,topmost> currentmouselocation < rightmost, topmost & value leftmost,bottom > currentmouselocation < rightmost, bottom ) then answer answerText end if
TODO make a stackcard with global variable and mechanism to display a particular answerbox that can be called from anywhere
put “placement for object circle is in the hole hooray” in answerText and then have different answerboxes on that stack card to keep functionality of code as simple and modular as possible.
This is what I ended up with:
on mouseDown grab target repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 500 millisecs with messages ---- the 500 ms wait is introduced based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlear implant assistive program and mouse clicks akin to our old T-Board project end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp
And Bingo - We have a continuous check on where our mouse cursor is.
In order to let us track what object is selected we create a local variable truthCheck
For now it is a boolean that is set to true when we grab the object, I have included some code that shows it's value on screen etc.
Later we will change this to a unique object identifier… could be Circle = 1, Square = 2, Triangle = 3
We also need to read out the values of the mouseLoc into a format where we can pull out info and perform som simple math in order to find if we are in the right location - The below snippet is where I'm and if you're still with me, we are at right now. (start typing) - But first, remember when developing SAVE SAVE SAVE and preferably in incrementally numbered files with some common prefix, that way you can roll back - When I get older I might start using some versioning system ;)
local truthCheck on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks akin to our old T-Board project end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" get positionOfMouse() put item 1 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLoc[1] put item 2 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLoc[2] --- do a location check plus see if correct shape is selected - if = hole coordinates correct and shape is right so hooray answer else nothing ---we will need to put the mouseLoc into a local variable currentMouseLoc and check against values of leftmostTopMost and rightMostBottom ---these represent the top and leftmost position of our hole as well as the lowest and rightmost and bottom position of our hole --if (60.90) > current mouseLoc() < mouseLoc(40,70) ) & true is in truthCheck then -- value leftmost,topmost> currentmouselocation ----< rightmost, topmost & value leftmost,bottom > currentmouselocation < rightmost, bottom ) and the correct shape is selected -> then if (true is in truthCheck ) then put currentMouseLoc[1] into field "currentXPos" put currentMouseLoc[2] into field "currentYPos" --answer answerLoc else end if ---- instead of answer we can trigger some other behaviour from our program - like counting points etc.... --end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put true into truthCheck end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue
And finally after some trial and error it is now possible to determine if we have placed the circle in the correct spot by reading the loacation of the draggable button and comparing it to something similar to the values we determined on day 2 of our little experiment. The code below will now be modified regarding the truth check so that we can determine if the circle has been detected we will create a function called selectedItem or similar, we will give the item a number. Once we know this also works we will proceed to create a truthcheck,
I think we might as well try and create this on a card by itself or onto the main card so as to begin separating logical functions out of the button and creating a general purpose truthcheck to determine if selected buttons / items are correct.
local truthCheck on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks akin to our old T-Board project end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" get positionOfMouse() put item 1 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLoc[1] put item 2 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLoc[2] put item 1 currentMouseLoc[1] into currentMouseLocXVal put item 2 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLocYVal --- do a location check plus see if correct shape is selected - if = hole coordinates correct and shape is right so hooray answer else nothing ---we will need to put the mouseLoc into a local variable currentMouseLoc and check against values of leftmostTopMost and rightMostBottom ---these represent the top and leftmost position of our hole as well as the lowest and rightmost and bottom position of our hole --if (60.90) > current mouseLoc() < mouseLoc(40,70) ) & true is in truthCheck then -- value leftmost,topmost> currentmouselocation ----< rightmost, topmost & value leftmost,bottom > currentmouselocation < rightmost, bottom ) and the correct shape is selected -> then if (true is in truthCheck and currentMouseLocXVal >= 50 and currentMouseLocXVal <= 100 and currentMouseLocYVal >=40 and currentMouseLocYVal <=60) then put currentMouseLoc[1] into field "currentXPos" put currentMouseLoc[2] into field "currentYPos" answer "You put the circle in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" else put "Not there yet" into field gettingWarmer wait 50 put "" into field gettingWarmer put currentMouseLoc[1] into field "currentXPos" put currentMouseLoc[2] into field "currentYPos" end if ---- instead of answer we can trigger some other behaviour from our program - like counting points etc.... --end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put true into truthCheck end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue
Time spent stumbling about 3-4 hrs… and finally I found the user reference as well :) My big problem is that it is too simple to get values from variables into other variables… not used to such simplicity - really hard to get used to not having to jump around hoops… he he
Today we're going to try and work a little smart. We'll have all the buttons figure out and tell us where on screen they are. This way we'll be able to re-use code even is screen is resized, stuff is moved about etc.
After all it could be a hole would attempt to run away while you tried to catch it ;)
In our hole script our hole should tell a location tracker variable where it is.
In time code will be changed to have an accessor function in the hole object and a general movement tracker polling hole accessor or whatever object we want to track, for it's location on screen, thus removing activity from the general object behaviour, only to be triggered if asked politely :) thus, reducing the number of CPU cycles expended on our hole just to exist.
For now we'll do an update of a global variable we get from the hole that is set and red when we click on the circle and release it after we move it about, in the future we'll have a location tracker controller poll for this information rather than polling the hole itself.
global cHoleButtonCoordinates on mouseDown grab target end mouseDown on mouseUp ---put item 1 of location of img hole into circleHoleButtonCoordinates get whereAmI() get hereAmI() end mouseUp function whereAmI put the location of image "bighole" into circleHoleButtonCoordinates put item 1 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] return whereAm end whereAmI function hereAmI put cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] into field circleHoleButtonField put cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] into field circleHoleButtonField2 return hereAm end hereAmI -- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the cHoleButtonCoordinates global cHoleButtonCoordinates global truthCheck -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project ---put item 1 of location of img hole into circleHoleButtonCoordinates end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" get positionOfMouse() put item 1 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLoc[1] put item 2 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLoc[2] put item 1 currentMouseLoc[1] into currentMouseLocXVal put item 2 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLocYVal get whereIsHole() --- do a location check plus see if correct shape is selected - if = hole coordinates correct and shape is right so hooray answer else nothing - if (truthCheck = 1 and (cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] <= currentMouseLocXVal and currentMouseLocXVal <= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1]+32 ) and (cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] <= currentMouseLocYVal and currentMouseLocYVal <= cHoleButtonCoordinates[2]+32) ) then --location (loc): The location of an object is specified as the X,Y coordinates of the center of the object in reference to the upper left-hand corner. --You change the location of an object by setting its location property in an x,y format. put currentMouseLoc[1] into field "currentXPos" put currentMouseLoc[2] into field "currentYPos" answer "You put the circle in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" else put "Not there yet" into field gettingWarmer wait 50 put "" into field gettingWarmer put currentMouseLoc[1] into field "currentXPos" put currentMouseLoc[2] into field "currentYPos" end if ---- instead of answer we can trigger some other behaviour from our program - like counting points etc.... --end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "1" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, need to rename to something more meaningful end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function whereIsHole put the location of image "bighole" into circleHoleButtonCoordinates put item 1 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIs end whereIsHole
Fiddling on and off today… 4 - 5 hrs…. going to stop because I know I'm doing the position check wrong but too tired to see what I am not doing correct, will need to break down the whole if/and structure…. wish I could say if value of X between X1 and X2 and value of Y between Y1 and Y2 then…. in a simpler way… think I am close though…
Celebrating 5'th year wedding anniversary so won't touch anything today…
Been messing about with the location check - nearly there but having guests over, so now… vacuming - Found some funny uses for img intersect by the way - imagine small pixels hitting an object = kaboom ;) groovy… yeah you figure out the rest… unless I eventually get to it :)
-- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the cHoleButtonCoordinates global cHoleButtonCoordinates global cButtonCoordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" get inTheRightPlace() put cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" ---move image "circle" to 200,100 repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures get inTheRightPlace() put cButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put cButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" wait 25 put "" into field "xyCoordEnd" get positionOfMouse() --put item 1 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLoc[1] put cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --put item 2 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLoc[2] --put item 1 currentMouseLoc[1] into currentMouseLocXVal --put item 2 of the mouseLoc into currentMouseLocYVal --move image "circle" tostart position again --move image "circle" to 150,100 --- do a location check plus see if correct shape is selected - if = hole coordinates correct and shape is right so hooray answer else nothing --put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator get whereIsCircle() -- if (truthCheck = 1 and (currentMouseLoc[1] >= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] and currentMouseLoc[1] <= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] +34 and currentMouseLoc[2] >= cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] and currentMouseLoc[2] <= cHoleButtonCoordinates[2]+32 ) ) then if "circle selected" is in truthCheck then -- and ( cButtonCoordinates[1] >= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] ) then -- and cButtonCoordinates[1] <= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] +34 and cButtonCoordinates[2] >= cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] and cButtonCoordinates[2] <= cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] +32 ) then --location (loc): The location of an object is specified as the X,Y coordinates of the center of the object in reference to the upper left-hand corner. --You change the location of an object by setting its location property in an x,y format. put cButtonCoordinates[1] into field "currentXPos" put cButtonCoordinates[2] into field "currentYPos" put "You put the circle in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator else put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "circle selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsHole() get whereIsCircle() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace function whereIsHole put the location of image "bighole" into circleHoleButtonCoordinates put item 1 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsHole function whereIsCircle put the location of image "circle"into circleButtonCoordinates -- put item 1 of circleButtonCoordinates into cButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleButtonCoordinates into cButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsCircle
As you can see I've tried to structure the code towards something more universally usable all while fighting to get the darn values for the circle button…. Just found out I forgot to declare the variable I wanted to access… AAAAAAARGH!!!
Anyway I can finally get the values for both the stationary button as well as our movable control button, meaning collision detection based on location should work properly tomorrow or so…. also need to clean up the script but just pasting it as is for safekeeping off local site… boy I wasted a lot of time forgetting that declaration… LiveCode needs a function that automatically declares variables or maybe a (do you want to create local/global) when you type up something…
Anyway, going to hit the sack now - Happy I finally tracked this one down… sometimes I guess a good meal, the company of good friends and not least ones sweet wife is the cure when you're in a rut and feeling stuck….
So here's the plan. As this is a program aimed at testing dexterity and training dexterity as well as ability to use logic to distinguish between shapes etc. we'll begin with the big hole and making colission detection work within fixed parameters, after we have proven colission detection to work for placing the circle within bighole we can replace the fixed numbers with a variable called marginX and MarginY, these in term need to be accessible and changeable through a function.
By introducing marginX and marginY we add both precision to our colission detection as well as the ability to move about our focus for colission detection, meaning we can reuse the routine for any object and focus on collission detection in different places.
A simple explanation imagine the below is an image, for the sake of argument it has been subdivided into squares. In the grid you'll see the letters C T O I X
|------------------------ | C | | | | | T | ------------------------- | | | O | | | | ------------------------- | I | | | | | X | -------------------------
Yup you guessed it T O X I C, as in the situation you can land in if you collide with a chemical truck or something equally nasty…
Each letter you see represents a point where either X or Y coordinates differ…
C would represent an exact match in the topmost corner, O would be a representation of right smack in the middle, while the others represent their own respective corner, but you can imagine the letters moving about to other boxes, only in reality the margin of precicion with which you can eventually set your collission detection is down to 1 pixel which I'd dare say is pretty good accuracy.
Okay now to work!
We know the dimensions of the bigcircle image to be 78hx76w - You can figure out sizes of images by right clicking, choosing the property inspector and then select size and position easy peasy, you can probably also read this in your favorite drawing program before you import any images.
We also figured out how to get the respective locations for our circle and our bighole objects, these locations are saved in two arrays for ease of access and understandability.
These are called cHoleButtonCoordinates and cButtonCoordinates
At a later time we could change these into general location indication variables that can be reused in a location tracking structure that can then be used for tracking all objects on screen.
But for now we'll do it the non general way so that you get an idea of what is going on.
But first a summary:
Size of bighole 78hx76w
Size of circle 32hx32w (it was originally sized according to the size of a mouse cursor as it was supposed to be used in a sneaky little java manouver, but I never finished the java program, nor the HyperText Markup Language HTML stuff as I got severely sidetracked by some nice crackers who almost brought my work on my persomnal page as well as the work on The Global Ability Initiative to a stand still…. anyhow back to colission detection.
cHoleButtonCoordinates holds the coordinates for the bighole
cButtonCoordinates holds the coordinates for the circle
We want to claim a success if we manage to place the circle within the bighole so let us do a do a location check plus see if correct shape is selected.
The first part of our if structure will be the easy part
if (truthCheck = 1
truthCheck is a variable that is set using the setTruth() function
In setTruth() a variable called truthCheck is set to 1 - The use of numerical variables enables us to distingush between the precise object that is selected rather that just checking if something is selected, by knowing what object is selected we also know that if we (when we extend the program) put the square on the circle there is no match and thus the trainee has not placed the object correctly.
If we had no interest in the exact nature we could have used a boolean operator true / false to distinguish if something was selected and if true then we could do what we wanted to do. (This is handy to keep in mind if you ever need to set a simple condition like switchFlicked (true/false) )
Objects in LiveCode are defined positionwise by topmost,leftmost coordinates so we want to check the coordinates of the circle first against the topmost leftmost coordinates of bighole.
We do this by comparing the values held within the arrays against each other.
Establish that the circle is placed as a minumum at the same x,y coordinates as the topmost leftmost coordinates of the bighole
We do however also need to make sure that the circle is within the rightmost side of the hole, so as a minimum the rightmost part of the circle needs to be within bighole.
We want the topmost part of bighole being equal to or lower than topmost part of circle and lowest part lower than circle.
And this is what we end up with
( cButtonCoordinates[1] >= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] -32 and cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] + 44 >= cButtonCoordinates[1] and cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] ⇐ cButtonCoordinates[2] +32 and cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] +32 >= cButtonCoordinates[2] ) then
We will add an else so that we can go in a different direction if our collission detection is not okay
At a later stage we'll add the xMargin and yMargin we talked about so that we can make our colission detection more variable.
As also mentioned yesterday some cleaning up is needed and the following is the somewhat cleaned up circle script - we can proceed next time to move the collission detection to on mouseDown making the detection dynamic rather than the fait accompli type we have below at the moment, this way we could create a collission warning etc. rather than an… oops sorry you collided :)
-- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the cHoleButtonCoordinates global cHoleButtonCoordinates global cButtonCoordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put cButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put cButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( cButtonCoordinates[1] >= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] -32 and cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] + 44 >= cButtonCoordinates[1] and cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] <= cButtonCoordinates[2] +32 and cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] +32 >= cButtonCoordinates[2] ) then put "You put the circle in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator else --This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "circle selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsHole() get whereIsCircle() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace function whereIsHole put the location of image "bighole" into circleHoleButtonCoordinates put item 1 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsHole function whereIsCircle put the location of image "circle"into circleButtonCoordinates -- put item 1 of circleButtonCoordinates into cButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleButtonCoordinates into cButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsCircleDay 9
Will probably do no coding today, have written to people within my company suggesting them to pledge, made a post on our intranet about livecode and the dignitaries that have pledged and will be making a couple of postings on a couple of forums I frequent from time to time.
I've also been doing a little doodling with my graphics program creating some big holes of different shapes to be used for our next step having multiple shapes to choose from :)
Day 10
So I was thinking about how to keep track of score, time etc. for our game and I had an idea of a scorecard in my head
If you can imagine a structure/class that is intended as a kind of stats module
I was thinking it would hold a number of Dynamically settable values needed for all things counters
–Different Stat Counters
global rightAnswers function addRightAnswer global wrongAnswers function addWrongAnswer global addNumber function addNumber
totalPoints function addPoints
–For timekeeping I was thinking of create a couple of variables startTime endTime
While called points in a game the points may be currency, health or whatever, it is up to you to use the points controller for your game to decide exactly how to use this, truth be told it would be even better creating a construct of a datastructure that simply allowed you to put in whatever name and variable into the structure and then adding or changing values for the datatypes in said structure
But as we are trying to approach this in an object oriented way - which of the above sound like more of the same ?
I'd say that the following four could easily be put into the one and the same type of variable and use the same globally callable routine to be updated, in reality the terms would more correctly be used as parameters for the function in order for them to be placed within the correct datastructures.
rightAnswers, wrongAnswers, addNumber, totalPoints
For instance the rightAnswers variable is a number from 0 to infinity, I'm hoping the LiveCode environment as mentioned elsewhere on the web truly will be taking care of this as it will be the premise for the structure I would like to create.
The same goes for the other values mentioned. They are all numbers but we give them different meaning in different context, but they are merely data.
So I'd like to introduce something called metaExplanation and uniqueIdentifier.
The latter might be irrelevant as it is not unthinkable LiveCode already has a way of doing this, but for us puny humans to make heads or tails of what's going on let us keep it at least for now.
Imagine a data structure consisting of objects of different kind, we will begin with our scorecard variables but it is not unthinkable we can add to the values herein or create similar structures for similar purposes.
So what we need are functions to add said objects to specific slots in our datastructure and we need functions to manipulate the objects as well.
But let us define a rough datastructure and then proceed to create the functions to create the objects and then the functions to manipulate values of said objects.
|-------------------------------------------------- |uniqueIdentifier | metaExplanation | object| ---------------------------------------------------The metaExplanation object is a description holding valuable information about what type of objects are stored within the particular slot of our datastructure.
It holds a description of variables within said object, accessor methods and purpose of the related object.
The reason for not containing this information within the object itself, is that in many cases, for computational purposes this is redundant information and would potentiall increase the size of our objects considerably.
The metaExplanation obect consists of the following information [uniqueIdentifier|metaExplanation|object type|variable names|accessor methods]
For future reference it should be possible to read this data out of the objects automatically, but for now the values will be added manually once we get that far.
It might also be prudent for dealing with more complex objects, to split up into two tables, so that the metaExplanation is exchanged with a number (in case of multiple objects in table with same “abilities”)
And that we then created a metaExplanationDataObject holding all the different metaExplanations numbering them from 1 to infinity for identification purposes.
That way we would know exactly (in human readable form) what type of object we were dealing with etc.
This might seem overkill but I believe being able to see things in human readable form, while working on a project is of great benefit for our understanding, even though we might remove such functionality from our finished product.
timeToSolve is another useful variable for us, we will use this variable to store a slew of answertimes
– For each object in game to solve
put “Time used to solve”,“Puzzlename”,“Level”, “YY”,“MM”,“WW”,“DD”,“HH”,“MM”,“SS” into timeToSolve, the format for the object timeToSolve is “Puzzlename”, ““Years”, “Months”, “Weeks”, “Days”, “Hours”, “Minutes”, “Seconds”
put “Number of wrong answers:”,”0“ into wrongAnswers
put “Number of right answers:”,”0“ into rightAnswers
put “0” into addNumber
put “0” into totalPoints – Will we not do anything about this variable in this instance as our game at the moments is not points based
put “0,0” into totalPercentage
We will need getters and setters for the values of each variable in our datastructure object.
wrongAnswers, rightAnswers totalPoints can all be affected by our addNumber variable, addNumber can be affected from the outside individually as well, this way we can reuse the addNumber variable for multiple purposes whenever we need to add an integer to something. We shall be concentrating on the integers in this project I have merely added totalPercentage as an indicator that you might need a percentage at some point, could for instance be Health, or ownership or something similar you'd like to type out in percentages.
addNumber - we will deal with by itself.
startTime/endTime - are also something we'll look at later perhaps creating a time object that can hold all the information we desire.
But let us begin by creating the scorecard, right click on your main stack that you created, choose add card,
Right click on the newly created card, choose card property inspector - give the card the name scorecard
Let's look at creating some functions like addNumber and one to set both wrongAnswers, rightAnswers as well as totalPoints, leaving totalPercentage for a later time.
Preliminary code for scorecard
Here's the preliminary code for scorecard - I have not tested the code yet, one way to test would be creating a button to add a specific value and another to add values based on something you put into a text input box, notice our functions now take parameters, that means we can pass for instance identification numbers and such to our functions thus determining different behaviour dependent upon what values we pass to them, pretty neat eh ?
--This card will hold a range of functions needed in order to keep scores etc. in a game or program where score keeping is needed --Long term objective, create a datastructure to hold all the different values we create here and accessor methods for them global numberToAdd global answersIdentifier local addThis --the format for the object timeToSolve is "Puzzlename", ""Years", "Months", "Weeks", "Days", "Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds" --this object is used to keep track of how long it took to solve a particular puzzle put "Time used to solve","Puzzlename","Level", "YY","MM","WW","DD","HH","MM","SS" into timeToSolve --Keeping track of wrong answers put "Number of wrong answers:","0" into wrongAnswers --Keeping track of right answers put "Number of right answers:","0" into rightAnswers --Keeping track of points we will not do anything about this variable in this instance of our scorecard, as our game at the moments is not points based put "0" into totalPoints --Keeping track of percentages we will not do anything further about this variable in this instance of our scorecard, as nothing in our --game at the moments is percentage based put "0,0" into totalPercentage -- addNumber is used for adding arbirtary integer numbers to the different tallies we use within this card, this setter should be globally accessible -- as should the numberToAdd integer function addNumber numberToAdd put numberToAdd into addThis return addThis end addNumber --The function addNumberTo() is used for adding value to one of 3 different tally holders - wrongAnswers - rightAnswers - totalPoints -- the function addNumberTo() - takes two parameters answersIdentifier addThis -- answersIdentifier identifies which tally holder we wish to update -- addThis is the value we wish to add to our tally, this value is set using the addNumber function function addNumberTo answersIdentifier addThis if "1" is in answersIdentifier then --wrongAnswers put addThis + wrongAnswers into wrongAnswers --Possible do something to wrongAnswers - like updating the datastructure unless it is already updated by us setting the value here... * return wrongAnswers else if answersIdentifier=2 then -- rightAnswers put addThis + rightAnswers into rightAnswers --Possible do something to rightAnswers - like updating the datastructure unless it is already updated by us setting the value here... * return rightAnswers else if answersIdentifier=3 then --totalPoints put addThis + totalPoints into totalPoints --Possible do something to totalPoints - like updating the datastructure unless it is already updated by us setting the value here... * return totalPoints end if end addNumberTo– * Notice datastructure not yet created - and the use of objects is wrong, should be variables as we are creating a dataobkject to hold information about objects in our program not an object to hold objects - And as LiveCode is not As far as I know AFAI truly object oriented it will be a datastructure rather than an object containing different variables.
Day 11 & 12
Have not had much time to code, been working sunday evening and night to monday (bread and butter stuff) and after work today (more bread and butter stuff) I've been messing with testing my new 4G USB modem. Want to free myself of the cable provider for internet access as I only use the cable for this functionality and can save more than 60% by switching to mobile connectivity…
I estimate having only used minutes to actually playing around with the coding environment.
Anyway here are some further thoughts on getting a value from one card to another beginning with transferring information from a button script to a card function.
global numberToAdd on mouseUp put "1" into numberToAdd --As a test of passing variables from a script into another card we have first created a button and a text field on the scorecard --We will then try to have the script on the scorecard do the math and display the results on the scorecard, next step will be moving the button to another card --and then see if we can still manipulate values on said card get addNumber(numberToAdd) put the result into field "numbertoadd" end mouseUpAnd code something like this on scorecard
global numberToAdd function addNumber numberToAdd local addThis put numberToAdd into addThis --to prove somehing is actually taking place in this function we add a value to the local variable that is returned put 1+ addThis into addThis --Just to see it is happening look at button functionality (displaying processed value) - Will be replaced with other functionality return addThis end addNumberNotice we are taking the global variable from the button - feeding it to the function on scorecard, processing it and then displaying it from the button
Day 13
This is how a working model of our function looks like
global numberToAdd /* Testing if you just put function in top script it is available in all cards below - But this makes for messy coding, how to put the function in one card and call it from another ??? The Global variable numberToAdd is to be used as a parameter for adding arbirtary integer numbers to different tallies used within the scorecard, this parameter setter should be globally accessible this we can by decalring the global numberToAdd in whichever script we need it (top of card script is a good place to declare) while this is currently achievable so should the function numberToAdd and that is the conundrum to solve*/ function addNumber numberToAdd put numberToAdd into addThis --to prove somehing is actually taking place in this function we add a value to the local variable that is returned put 1+ addThis into addThis --Just to see it is happening look at button functionality (displaying processed value) - Will be replaced with other functionality return addThis end addNumberif the above function is called like this for instance, from any card below in the stack
global numberToAdd global totalCorrect on mouseUp put "3" into numberToAdd --As a test of passing variables from a script into another card we have first created a button and a text field on the scorecard --We will then try to have the script on the scorecard do the math and display the results on the scorecard, next step will be moving the button to another card --and then see if we can still manipulate values on said card get addNumber(numberToAdd) put the result into totalCorrect put totalCorrect into field "numbertoadd" end mouseUpYou will get the result 4 in the field numbertoadd on the card where we are curently working
So now we have discovered the premise for the structure needed in order to make a counter that counts up, say points, number of correct answers etc. what we need now is to see if we can wrench this functionality into cards below.
But before that let us create a working counter of correct answers, we will wait with the incorrect ones till we have more holes to choose from, but a tally counting the number of times we place the circle in the hole is also a worthwhile pursuit.
In the unfinished code from day 11 & 12 you'll notice som if else sentences, just for the kick of it I'll try and use a switch, if that does not work I'll pop right back to ye good olde if then else…
But first a few timer functions that will be coming in handy at a later stage.
/* TIMER SCRIPTS the global array object is intended to be used for transport of timing information for different processes we want to keep track off - for each process we wish to track we'll use 1 slot to describe said process, here we might as well use the names of our control objects as we want to keep track of how long it takes to put each of them into it's respective correct slot so the structure will probably be something like [triangle] [timeStart][timeStop][timeUsed] [square] [timeStart][timeStop][timeUsed] etc. the 3 last after the description are not declared as globals in order to make them uneditable from other cards - but will that work.... ?*/ global timeObject local timeStart local timeStop local timeUsed -- store the current start time function startTim put the milliseconds into timeStart return timeStart end startTim function stopTim put the milliseconds into timeStop return timeStop end stopTim function usedTim put timeStop - timeStart into timeUsed return timeUsed end usedTimAnd to thest these 3
Button starttim on mouseUp get startTim() put the result into field "calcfield" end mouseUp ------------------------------------------------ Button stoptime on mouseUp get stopTim() put the result into field "calcfield2" end mouseUp ------------------------------------------------ Button usedtime on mouseUp get usedTim() put the result into field "calcfield3" end mouseUpLive code will give you the the current time in milliseconds you can use these different timer functions for all kinds of stuff as it becomes relevant
Day 14
Yesterday I was yapping about creating one counter before the other one… sorry no can do, I just created them all ;)
This is the counter code in the main stack - It consists of a so called switch statement, based on the parameter it is fed “answersIdentifier” it will perform a number of different operations by adding a number to our counter objects. Notice in particular the points part of the function.
function addNumberTo answersIdentifier switch answersIdentifier case 1 // wrongAnswers put wrongAnswers +1 into wrongAnswers return wrongAnswers --Possible do something to wrongAnswers - like updating the datastructure unless it is already updated by us setting the value here... * break case 2 //- rightAnswers put rightAnswers +1 into rightAnswers return rightAnswers --Possible do something to rightAnswers - like updating the datastructure unless it is already updated by us setting the value here... * break case 3 // totalPoints put totalPoints + 100 into totalPoints --Possible do something to totalPoints - like updating the datastructure unless it is already updated by us setting the value here... * return totalPoints break case 4 // do other stuff break default // do yet more stuff put "Sorry, there is no known Identifier, can't make selection of course." into line 1 of field "errormessages" end switchSince we cant be sure the above actually works I created a number of buttons text fields (you'll see them mentioned in the different “buttons”)
By using different values for “answersIdentifier” in each test button we can prove that our function does something different depending on the value we set in the button script.
Our proof lies in the visual representation of the calculations that goes into the text fields.
/* Button wronganswer This button is for demonstration purposes of a counter that counts one up every time pushed by using a function named addNumber */ on mouseUp --Putting a number of "wrong" answers into the variable, this code we can now move in below our truth check in case the object chosen is correct put 1 into answersIdentifier get addNumberTo (answersIdentifier) put the result into field "wrongoutput" end mouseUp--global rightAnswers on mouseUp --Putting a "right" answers into the variable first we choose what variable we want to add to put 2 into answersIdentifier --Then we launch the calculation get addNumberTo (answersIdentifier) --Then for demonstration purposes we display the counter result in our counter field put the result into field "rightoutput" end mouseUpon mouseUp --Putting a "right" answers into the variable first we choose what variable we want to add to put 3 into answersIdentifier --Then we launch the calculation get addNumberTo (answersIdentifier) --Then for demonstration purposes we display the counter result in our counter field put the result into field "pointsoutput" end mouseUpon mouseUp --Here we purposly set an unknown identifier for our addNumber function put 5 into answersIdentifier --Then we ask our function to process get addNumberTo (answersIdentifier) wait 200 put "" into field "errormessages" end mouseUpBy creating a button using a wrong “answersIdentifier” we force the switch to give it's default response… just to clear the error dialog box we add the wait and then update the text field with ”“ i.e. nothing.
We are now ready to add the additional control objects we created earlier to our LiveCode program, you remember right ?… my ramblings on the outcome of Day 9… Ah well…
So the status of my LiveCode Experiment on Day 14 is after managing to squeeze in a few hrs. of programming:
I can do colission detection, I can calculate correct and wrong answers, I can count points, I can move buttons and images around, I can do timing.
Basically I think have everything I need in order to proceed to the next phase which is gluing together the elements I created creating a trainer for dexterity and logic.
Acknowledged it is not a big application, but I am amazed that I in the course of a couple of weeks with no prior knowledge and sparse time on my hands have gotten this far.
I truly hope that RunRev will pull off their Kickstarter which at the time of writing stands at 1,107 backers having pledged £149,686 of the £350,000 goal with 7 days to go.
If you have an interest in programming please support the Kickstarter to Open Source the LiveCode Environment under a GLP3 license.
Day 15
30 minutes of play - result to be posted
Day 16
No coding activity
Day 17
No activity
Day 18
After spending time tending to loved ones, and resting after quite an ordeal, I have managed to do a minor thing LiveCode related - I started a Facebook advertisement campaign, :) As in real ADVERTISEMENTS.
I wanted a simple message something like:
Code in Linux, Mac or Windows, write once. Deploy to iOS, Android, Linux, Macintosh, Windows, profit ??? Must be expensive... No FREE if you want it to be!!! is what Iactually ended up with, due to space, punctuation restriction, a 10 US$ daily budget, 0,41 per click, running from today to 27'th.
The ad has the following audience:
US - Age 18+
- Broad Categories, Business/Technology: Computer Programming, Education Teaching, Small Business Owners
Narrow Categories: #Computer programming, #Computer science, #Source code, #Comment (computer programming), #Porting
In total targetted at 409380 people
The text of the AD
Next Generation LiveCode Deploy to iOS, Android, Linux, Macintosh, Windows. Expensive? FREE if you want it to be! I have enable grabbable qualities and set graphical quality in the property inspector to notScrXor so as to allow the objects to be shown transparently over the holes without the background - (transparent png) - probable have to look closer at graphical qualities but it is working so for now it'll be fine.
I will now proceed to seing if I can get each to respont to their own hole using the common collission detection routing created.
In time it is suggested to completely remove the colission detection from the objects, generalize them even more and putting them into a library loaded by the main stack, same with oter functionality developed, but as it is a POC this how it will be done for now. I'll be adding the code for the other objects ASAP.
--Heptagon trying to clean up variables -- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the object2Coordinates global object2Coordinates global object1Coordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- replace with global count -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put object1Coordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put object1Coordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put object2Coordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put object2Coordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( object1Coordinates[1] >= object2Coordinates[1] -30 and object2Coordinates[1] + 26 >= object1Coordinates[1] and object2Coordinates[2] <= object1Coordinates[2] +28 and object2Coordinates[2] +22 >= object1Coordinates[2] ) then --Add switch with right answers here put "You put the heptagon in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator /* circle square star triangle rectangle octagon hexagon pentagon heptagon */ else /*This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function It needs to be expanded to a check if on top of anotherhole */ put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "heptagon selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsObject2() get whereIsObject() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace -- these find functions need to be further generalized so that we just use one function for locating positions of images function whereIsObject2 put the location of image "bigheptagon" into o2Coordinates put item 1 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsObject2 function whereIsObject put the location of image "heptagon" into o1Coordinates -- put item 1 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsObjectTriangle
--Triangle trying to clean up variables -- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the object2Coordinates global object2Coordinates global object1Coordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put object1Coordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put object1Coordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put object2Coordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put object2Coordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( object1Coordinates[1] >= object2Coordinates[1] -30 and object2Coordinates[1] + 26 >= object1Coordinates[1] and object2Coordinates[2] <= object1Coordinates[2] +28 and object2Coordinates[2] +22 >= object1Coordinates[2] ) then --Add switch with right answers here put "You put the triangle in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator /* circle square star triangle rectangle octagon hexagon pentagon heptagon */ else /*This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function It needs to be expanded to a check if on top of anotherhole */ put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "triangle selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsObject2() get whereIsObject() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace -- these find functions need to be further generalized so that we just use one function for locating positions of images function whereIsObject2 put the location of image "bigtriangle" into o2Coordinates put item 1 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsObject2 function whereIsObject put the location of image "triangle"into o1Coordinates -- put item 1 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsObjectSquare
--Square trying to clean up variables -- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the object2Coordinates global object2Coordinates global object1Coordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- replace with global count -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put object1Coordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put object1Coordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put object2Coordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put object2Coordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( object1Coordinates[1] >= object2Coordinates[1] -30 and object2Coordinates[1] + 26 >= object1Coordinates[1] and object2Coordinates[2] <= object1Coordinates[2] +28 and object2Coordinates[2] +22 >= object1Coordinates[2] ) then --Add switch with right answers here put "You put the square in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator /* circle square star triangle rectangle octagon hexagon pentagon heptagon */ else /*This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function It needs to be expanded to a check if on top of anotherhole */ put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "square selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsObject2() get whereIsObject() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace -- these find functions need to be further generalized so that we just use one function for locating positions of images function whereIsObject2 put the location of image "bigsquare" into o2Coordinates put item 1 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsObject2 function whereIsObject put the location of image "square" into o1Coordinates -- put item 1 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsObjectHexagon
--Hexagon trying to clean up variables -- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the object2Coordinates global object2Coordinates global object1Coordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- replace with global count -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put object1Coordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put object1Coordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put object2Coordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put object2Coordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( object1Coordinates[1] >= object2Coordinates[1] -30 and object2Coordinates[1] + 26 >= object1Coordinates[1] and object2Coordinates[2] <= object1Coordinates[2] +28 and object2Coordinates[2] +22 >= object1Coordinates[2] ) then --Add switch with right answers here put "You put the hexagon in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator /* circle square star triangle rectangle octagon hexagon pentagon heptagon */ else /*This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function It needs to be expanded to a check if on top of anotherhole */ put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "hexagon selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsObject2() get whereIsObject() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace -- these find functions need to be further generalized so that we just use one function for locating positions of images function whereIsObject2 put the location of image "bighexagon" into o2Coordinates put item 1 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsObject2 function whereIsObject put the location of image "hexagon" into o1Coordinates -- put item 1 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsObjectOctagon
--Octagon trying to clean up variables -- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the object2Coordinates global object2Coordinates global object1Coordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- replace with global count -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put object1Coordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put object1Coordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put object2Coordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put object2Coordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( object1Coordinates[1] >= object2Coordinates[1] -30 and object2Coordinates[1] + 26 >= object1Coordinates[1] and object2Coordinates[2] <= object1Coordinates[2] +28 and object2Coordinates[2] +22 >= object1Coordinates[2] ) then --Add switch with right answers here put "You put the octagon in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator /* circle square star triangle rectangle octagon hexagon pentagon heptagon */ else /*This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function It needs to be expanded to a check if on top of anotherhole */ put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "octagon selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsObject2() get whereIsObject() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace -- these find functions need to be further generalized so that we just use one function for locating positions of images function whereIsObject2 put the location of image "bigoctagon" into o2Coordinates put item 1 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsObject2 function whereIsObject put the location of image "octagon"into o1Coordinates -- put item 1 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsObjectPentagon
--Pentagon trying to clean up variables -- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the object2Coordinates global object2Coordinates global object1Coordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- replace with global count -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put object1Coordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put object1Coordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put object2Coordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put object2Coordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( object1Coordinates[1] >= object2Coordinates[1] -30 and object2Coordinates[1] + 26 >= object1Coordinates[1] and object2Coordinates[2] <= object1Coordinates[2] +28 and object2Coordinates[2] +22 >= object1Coordinates[2] ) then --Add switch with right answers here put "You put the pentagon in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator /* circle square star triangle rectangle octagon hexagon pentagon heptagon */ else /*This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function It needs to be expanded to a check if on top of anotherhole */fsghgfsh put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "pentagon selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsObject2() get whereIsObfsghgfshject() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace -- these find functions need to be further generalized so that we just use one function for locating positions of images function whereIsObject2 put the location of image "bigpentagon" into o2Coordinates put item 1 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o2Coordinates into object2Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsObject2 fsghgfsh function whereIsObject put the location of image "pentagon"into o1Coordinates -- put item 1 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[1] put item 2 of o1Coordinates into object1Coordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsObjectCircle
--Circle -- declare variabfsghgfshle used for truthcheck --declaring the cHoleButtonCoordinates global cHoleButtonCoordinates global cButtonCoordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put cButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put cButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( cButtonCoordinates[1] >= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] -30 and cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] + 26 >= cButtonCoordinates[1] and cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] <= cButtonCoordinates[2] +28 and cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] +22 >= cButtonCoordinates[2] ) then put "You put the circle in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator --Add right answers here else /*This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function It needs to be expanded to a check if on top of anotherhole */ put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "circle selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsHole() get whereIsObject() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace function whereIsHole put the location of image "bigcircle" into circleHoleButtonCoordinates put item 1 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsHole function whereIsObject put the location of image "circle"into circleButtonCoordinates -- put item 1 of circleButtonCoordinates into cButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleButtonCoordinates into cButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsObjectAdded the following to all the above objects after the line
put “You put the hexagon in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!” into field insideIndicator
// --Putting a "right" answers into the variable first we choose what variable we want to add to//put 2 into answersIdentifier --Then we launch the calculation get addNumberTo (answersIdentifier) --Then for demonstration purposes we display the counter result in our counter field put the result into field "rightoutput"Day 19
So how to make the application interact with for instance payment modules etc. well you won't believe how simple it is to launch your system browser.
In the Graphical User Interface GUI there is a button called Support Us I wanted this button to lead to a page where you can both support financially as well as contact me, this could be to any other page you can imagine would be interesting for your users to interact with.
And when I say simple… this is it!
on mouseUp launch url "" end mouseUpWhat the above piece of code does is open up the system browser at your desired url - Doesn't get much easier than that now does it ?
I could also have written something like
get URL “”
put it into fld “someTextField”
And then instead of opening a browser LiveCode would attempt to show the text from the Uniform Resource Locator URL in the text field. And text is the key - if you ask LiveCode to fetch a txt file that is what you get.
You could use this for creating ticker information etc. just to give an example of what you could use such functionality for.
I will probably be playing with that as it makes it possible to show more dynamically updated material in your application.
Anyway - All great but we have a report to make in order to track the progress of the user
This is the proposed info structure for the report - This report is (for now) generated by pushing a button
on mouseUp --Collate the following info into a report --player ID - this has to be a non person tiable indicator if used for patient tracking, perhaps a hashed value derived from something on the --device where the app is installed - only problem would then be a patient using different platforms, so a method needs to be deviced to transfer --ID from device to device, for now we will let the app create a value and then stick with that value into the apps working --space somehow --start time/end time/total time symbol 1 --... symbol 2 --... symbol 3 --... symbol 4 -- etc. --placed incorrectly -- symbol 1 / times placed incorrectly / times placed correctly --... symbol 2 --... symbol 3 --... symbol 4 -- etc. --Level information --What level is patient on --write collated information into a file / to disk / to web server / database url -- secondary project build simple gui to see the data collected in different views (data extraction) for player ID's --The player ID's can then be referred to a patient within a secure database, this way the patients could use the app without risking exposure --oine could use TOR nodes and encryption as well so as to ensure maximum patient confidentiality end mouseUpAs you can see we need to keep track of what is happening to the individual symbols so we need to create some sort of tracking container.
We could also keep track of how often each object is grabbed etc. as this will give an indication of ability to focus on an individual object etc. but for now let us just track time from start and till the object reaches the correct destination.
For this we'll use the timing routines created earlier, only now we will use them to populate our time tracking containers.
--Timing routine for the object --if value of circletimereport [starttime] = 0 then get time and put into circletimereport [starttime][stoptime][totaltime] -- startTim() get startTim() put the result into circleTimeReport[1] --to test we need to put circleTimeReport[1] into "calcfield1" --put circleTimeReport into "ctreport" put circleTimeReport[1] into field "calcfield" --"calcfield" put true into timingStarted else put "you already got the time dope" into field "calcfield" --then do nothing and get on with the job, but just to test if this is really true let us see if we keep getting the same value from our circleTimeReport[1] put circleTimeReport[1] into field "checkfield" wait 100 put "" into field "checkfield" end ifAgain you can se I use existing fields and have added another just to visually check what is going on - you could probably just send these events to a message window, but for now we're keeping it on screen.
Day 20
Been spending a lot of time promoting rather than coding as I really need LiveCode to succeed so I can use what I've learned so far for a noble purpose…
I've added timing functionalty to the object, this means that the objects can now be timed and the total time used to move the hole to the correct spot can be calculated
Later we can add a counter counting up on every mouse click so we can see how often the player has clicked, we can get an idea of ability to focus on the task at hand as well as ability for ongoing movements etc. if we do this.
The timing functionality feeds the circleTimeReport array with values from startTim() stopTim() timeUsed()
The values in the circleTimeReport can now be added to our overall usage report - The next test is to expand the timing to encompass all the objects.
-- declare variable used for truthcheck --declaring the cHoleButtonCoordinates global cHoleButtonCoordinates global cButtonCoordinates global truthCheck local count = 0 global timeStart local timeCheck local timingStarted = false global circleTimeReport -- What to do when clicking on the button on mouseDown grab target if false is in timingStarted then --Timing routine for the object --if value of circletimereport [starttime] = 0 then get time and put into circletimereport [starttime][stoptime][totaltime] -- startTim() get startTim() put the result into circleTimeReport[1] --to test we need to put circleTimeReport[1] into "calcfield1" --put circleTimeReport into "ctreport" put circleTimeReport[1] into field "calcfield" --"calcfield" put true into timingStarted else --put "you already got the time dope" into field "calcfield" --do nothing and get on with the job but just to test let us see if we keep getting the same value from our circleTimeReport[1] put circleTimeReport[1] into field "checkfield" end if get setTruth() get checkTruthValue() put the result into field "xyCoordEnd" repeat until the mouseClick with messages get positionOfMouse() put the result into field "xyCoordLive" wait 100 millisecs with messages ---- the 100 ms wait is introduces based on fears of system hanging according to LiveCode ----discussion on cochlar program and mouseclocks that sounded akin to our old T-Board project -- As of right now our collission detection is all placed in the release phase of the mouse -- We can move the colission detection here to get a dynamic check while we are moving the circle around end repeat end mouseDown on mouseUp ----Here we need to introduce behaviour in the form of calling functions and remove all logic possible to functions and into data structures --First off we ned to make sure where the two objects are get inTheRightPlace() --To visually appreciate that we have indeed gotten the data we will proceed to put them into text fields on screen --We begin with the coordinates of the circle put cButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj1FieldXPosition" put cButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj1FieldYPosition" --Then we proceed with the coordinates of the hole put cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] into field "obj2FieldXPosition" put cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] into field "obj2FieldYPosition" --- Since we know where the two objects are now we can do a location check to see if they intersect as we want them to and make sure --that the correct shape is selected - if both conditions are met " hooray" answer else nothing - We use the text box as to not get caught in an answerbox loop --with answerbox popping up all the time because a potential location check is running (see above comments on dynamic location check) if ( cButtonCoordinates[1] >= cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] -30 and cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] + 26 >= cButtonCoordinates[1] and cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] <= cButtonCoordinates[2] +28 and cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] +22 >= cButtonCoordinates[2] ) then put "You put the circle in the correct spot - Congratulations!!!" into field insideIndicator --Putting a "right" answers into the variable first we choose what variable we want to add to put 2 into answersIdentifier --Then we launch the calculation get addNumberTo (answersIdentifier) --Then for demonstration purposes we display the counter result in our counter field put the result into field "rightoutput" -- stopTim() get stopTim() put the result into circleTimeReport[2] put circleTimeReport[2] into field "calcfield2" get usedTim() put the result into circleTimeReport[3] put circleTimeReport[3] into field "calcfield3" else /*This is a simple message that we are not successfull it could however be something else like triggering a function It needs to be expanded to a check if on top of anotherhole This will basically be a if on top of "wrong image name" put "+1" into wrong answers counter and put text "Please move the " +NAME_OF_OBJECT_LAST_DRAGGED" into the hole with a similar shape" */ put "Not there yet" into field insideIndicator wait 50 end if end mouseUp function positionOfMouse return mouseLoc() end positionOfMouse function setTruth put "circle selected" into truthCheck --By putting 1 into the variable truth check we determine it is object 1, --need to rename to something more meaningfull and to put 1 into the check when we have more than one object to move end setTruth function checkTruthValue return truthCheck end checkTruthValue function inTheRightPlace --This function will hold the code for the truthcheck as to if the position is correct, that way we can create a general routine for --checking all the objects --pseudo code: get obj1 location get obj2 location - are these within same location +/- margin - if correct goto isPlacedCorrectly() --else do nothing spectacular and return --pseudo code: get obj1 location get whereIsHole() get whereIsObject() -- are these within same location +/- margin return correctLocation end inTheRightPlace function whereIsHole put the location of image "bigcircle" into circleHoleButtonCoordinates put item 1 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleHoleButtonCoordinates into cHoleButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIsTheHole end whereIsHole function whereIsObject put the location of image "circle"into circleButtonCoordinates -- put item 1 of circleButtonCoordinates into cButtonCoordinates[1] put item 2 of circleButtonCoordinates into cButtonCoordinates[2] return whereIsTheCircle end whereIsObject– more to come
Tonight we broke 350.000 - What a grand run it was… time to celebrate… what more appropriate than FREE SOFTWARE AND FREE BEER… and I kinda like the ring of the name too :)
" Free Software and Free Beer - What a life ;) Open Source Edition of LiveCode -- Kicktraq Mini Open Source Edition of LiveCode -- Kicktraq MiniDay 21
Heading towards stretch goals, a few more media outlets contacted… crossing my fingers for 441,000+Planned to be doing some coding tonight. But spent more time on the Kickstarter trying to come up with ways to promote.
Put timing on one more button and played around with a very nifty feature that we will be using for our application - Fading buttons out of existence :) - Will need to look at how to set them unclickable and clickable - the fading bit is pretty straight forward.
on mouseDown grab me end mouseDown on mouseUp --hide button "one" with visual effect dissolve -- fade out repeat with i = 1 to 100 set the blendLevel of button "fader" to i wait 1 end repeat wait 100 --NOTICE The wait routine is useless in this respect as we cant affort to wait around for anything, we need to make the button unclickable -- after we fade it out. --The best we can do for this POC is to record some start position and move the button there and make it visible and clickable --when we need it with our restart button, best bet would be to create the positioning first, then make visible and clickable --While testing a simple version can be implemented in the mouseup that simply moved the button and fades the button in -- Move button to a preset position -- fade in for demonstration purposes repeat with i = 100 down to 1 set the blendLevel of button "fader" to i wait 1 end repeat end mouseUpDay 22
So yesterday we figured out how to fade a button out and in, and we also figured out that it is no good to use the wait routine in our case for fading back in, we also realized that if we kept the buttons faded out they might still be clickable and also that they might be darn hard to find if they were invisible so there are a coupe of things to do
First we need to make the button disappear when we successfully place it in the circle - using the same coding style as we did with the button exchanging button with image and then the image name instead of the button name we get a cool dissolving effect when the button is placed correctly
We do it right after placing our timing object (TODO) in the report list (we have a code remark in the object already telling us we need to be doing this).
Anyway this is the code you need to fade the button out placed right after the remark with some ekstra remarks about what we are doing.
-- Here circleTimeReport needs to be placed in a list that can be used for our report. --hide button "circle" with visual effect dissolve -- fade out repeat with i = 1 to 100 set the blendLevel of the image "circle" to i wait 1 end repeatBasically what we do is that we move the circle to a predefined location, since we had our x,y coordinates typed out while we drag our objects around it is relatively easy to find the coordinates.
Another way would be to do an ordered or random placement of objects upon reset, but for now we'll stay with a fixed setup.
Once we have moved the circle to where we want it to be when we begin our session we fade it in - and that is what happens in the code snippet below.
To make it nice it would be possible to do a general script that faded in all the objects according to a list and used the same function for doing all of them, the function would look roughly as below, only you'd exchange the coordinates with variables that you could feed and the name would be exchanged with a variable as well… I should do that in the final version but here is how the code looks for a single button “reset” to starting position and state.
on mouseUp set the loc of image "circle" to 119,190 -- fade in for demonstration purposes repeat with i = 100 down to 1 set the blendLevel of image "circle" to i wait 1 end repeat end mouseUpThis is how we in a very raw way re initialize more than one object
on mouseUp set the loc of image "circle" to 119,190 set the loc of image "triangle" to 34,264 -- fade in for demonstration purposes repeat with i = 100 down to 1 set the blendLevel of image "circle" to i set the blendLevel of image "triangle" to i wait 1 end repeat end mouseUp <7code> We will be adding functionality to make the button not clickable so as to avoid the button remaining active after being faded out. And then the initialization will make it clickable again. I imagine we'll do a setLoc function and a fadeInOut function, the first function will enable us to set the location of an object of a type to a specified x,y and the latter will enable us to do graphic manipulation on a specified object of a specified type, maybe even according to different levels of fade. To test if we can disable enable buttons we create the following test buttons An enable button <code> on mouseUp --Use the enable/disable button command enable button "test_b" end mouseUpA disable button
on mouseUp --Use the enable/disable button command enable button "test_b" end mouseUpThe button we want to manipulate
on mouseUp put "I can be clicked" into field "errormessages" end mouseUpOkay so that works - Can we now do the same for the control objects and will we see any adverse graphical effects.
Indeed - simply exchanging the button with image and naturally the control name to circle instead of test_b we achieve exactly the result we want.
Here an example for enabling the control again - i.e. image “circle”
on mouseUp --Use the enable/disable button command enable image "circle" end mouseUpWe can now proceed to create a function enabling us to enable or disable specific control types. And build the function so as to allow us to disable any object given the correct variables.
I imagine something akin to
function enableObject objectName enable image objectName end enableObject ObjectnameBut I think it is time to catch some shut eye… total time played around today coding and figuring things out… an hour and a half or so - Remember, for a seasoned user this would be trivial, I do not know the syntax nor the environment so I am pretty happy about the time spent.
I believe a trained coder could probably have created the application in a just few hours from concept to finished POC.
Day 23
So I tried to compile just for fun today and running on Linux without a hitch… going to test on a windows and possibly a Mac later.
Created the code for the Exit button - If more than one stack is open I gather you'd need to heed that and code accordingly.
But to exit stack this is the code you need - REMEMBER TO SAVE BEFORE YOU TRY IT!!!!
on mouseUp answer question "Are you sure you want to exit" with "Yes" or "No" if it is "Yes" then lock messages quit end if end mouseUpLess than 10 minutes used for coding today includes googling for info :) - Hard to concentrate today, big party upstairs neighbours, so did not get any good sleep….
I found however compiled version did not exit stack as expected, worked in uncompiled version - So after searching a little I found this solution
lock messages quitAnd replaced the code in Exit with what you see above instead of the close “stackname” - I do not know enough about the environment to explain why quit works and close does not but for now that's the way it's going to be.
Day 24
Today I've been looking at our report - What we needed for this POC is to be able to write a text report. At some later time we might be looking at databases etc. but for now we'll concentrate on writing a report to a file.
This is a very good exercise as we by writing the report to a file can get a better overview of the data we are trying to put into a report and we'll be able to ponder upon exactly how we should format the data in order to generate an easy to enterprit view of the data we collect as listing them in a good manner is as important as gathering them for the understanding of a users abilities for his her physicians or th eusers own understanding depending on how you present it.
So in our generate report button we need to declare our time report variables - As our primary object of interest is our circle let us begin by creating report entires concerning the circle.
However there is something to keep in mind, we do not have an interest in overwriting data so we will be appending to the file instead every time we press generate report.
global circleTimeReport open file "///home/ep/data/globabilityorg/livecodeprograms/report_symbol_tracker.txt" for append write circleTimeReport[3] & return to file "///home/ep/data/globabilityorg/livecodeprograms/report_symbol_tracker.txt" close file "///home/ep/data/globabilityorg/livecodeprograms/report_symbol_tracker.txt"The code above results in date being written to the file report_symbol_tracker.txt
Situated in a directory called ./home/ep/data/globabilityorg/livecodeprograms/
This directory needs for the final application to be changed to a data directory on the system where the application is to be run, but for now we'll keep a hardcoded path and filename.
Notice that the file is being opened and closed - This is quite important as data is written upon file being closed.
If you have loads of data it might be better to collect in memory and then write once your buffer is full so at to avoid constant read / write operations to your disk etc.
The following displays how I progressed in choosing the form of my report to appear to the reader.
577084 577084 577084 577084 577084,blabla 577084,blabla 577084,blabla 577084,blabla 577084,blabla Total time used: ,577084 Total time used: ,577084 Total time used: ,577084 Total time used: ,577084 Total time used: ,577084 Total time used: 577084 Total time used: 577084 Total time used: 577084 CircleStart time: 1362328552368End time: 1362329129452Total time used: 577084 CircleStart time: 1362328552368End time: 1362329129452Total time used: 577084 CircleStart time: 1362328552368End time: 1362329129452Total time used: 577084 CircleStart time: 1362328552368End time: 1362329129452Total time used: 577084 Circle: Start time: 1362328552368 End time: 1362329129452 Total time used: 577084 Circle: Start time: 1362328552368 End time: 1362329129452 Total time used: 577084 Circle: Start time: 1362328552368 End time: 1362329129452 Total time used: 577084 Object: Circle - Start time: 1362328552368 End time: 1362329129452 Total time used: 577084 Object: Circle - Start time: 1362328552368 End time: 1362329129452 Total time used: 577084 Object: Circle - Start time: 1362328552368 End time: 1362329129452 Total time used: 577084 Object: Circle - Start time: 1362328552368 - End time: 1362329129452 - Total time used: 577084 Object: Circle - Start time: 1362328552368 - End time: 1362329129452 - Total time used: 577084 Object: Circle - Start time: 1362328552368 - End time: 1362329129452 - Total time used: 577084 Object: Circle - Start time: 1362328552368 - End time: 1362329129452 - Total time used: 577084As you can see the final look of the report file will be something like this, yes I know the time looks weird, but this is due to it being the clock in milliseconds unix time, so some transformation might be needed to get the data even more human readable.
Object: Circle - Start time: 1362328552368 - End time: 1362329129452 - Total time used: 577084
You will notice some things hard coded into the code below - The idea is that in the future such a line can be changed further so that object name (here Circle) becomes a variable changing with whatever object chosen and the same with the different things we are choosing to write to our file.
But for now we'll stick with the hard coded info. You can play with spaces and separators to find your own ideal view, however later we will be putting this data into some XML like structure using human readable tags that could then be used as unique column names is SQL databases etc.
open file "///home/ep/data/globabilityorg/livecodeprograms/report_symbol_tracker.txt" for append write "Object: Circle - " & "Start time: " & circleTimeReport[1] & " - End time: " & circleTimeReport[2] & " - Total time used: " & circleTimeReport[3] & return to file "///home/ep/data/globabilityorg/livecodeprograms/report_symbol_tracker.txt" close file "///home/ep/data/globabilityorg/livecodeprograms/report_symbol_tracker.txt"Day 25
With us being able to write our report we also need to be able to do it more than once, this means as soon as we write a successfull attempt to the report we need to reset our circleTimeReport
This is done by putting 0 into each of the counters.
By doing this we should be able to write multiple attempts with differing start and stop times as well as calculated time used into our report.
--reset circleTimeReport put "0" into circleTimeReport[1] put "0" into circleTimeReport[2] put "0" into circleTimeReport[3]While strictly not needed purging the circleTimeReport feels more correct. Particularly as the plan is to take the circleTimeReport variable and transform it into a general variable callable by all our “objects” and then establish a more formal structure in memory to hold our timekeeping before writing it to the report.
This above will be done in our generate report button script.
In addition after our fade out we insert some code to be able to restart timing our object, we need to remember that at this point no report is generated, this means if we reset our start time is lost forever.
All his logic also needs to be moved out of the buttons and they should only call a buttonhandler script and identify themselves this to better adhere to the MVC pattern (Model View Controller) by implementing a MVC pattern changes in logic will be easier to implement and each change can have minimum effect on already established parts.
That is done in the circle button script for now as the current variable to keep track of if timing is started or not is a local boolean true or false setting.
repeat with i = 1 to 100 set the blendLevel of the image "circle" to i wait 1 end repeat --In order to begin a new timing on an object we need to set the timing started to false put false into timingStartedNot too long used today… minutes really, lot's of distractions today after a long day at work… Would be nice to be able to dedicate my time to this… So if you have some cash spare, feel free to make a donation to allow me and others to work towards the creation of free software for the sick or disabled full time….
Anyway - think next step should be thinking about putting a counter into the timereport this would be the number of times the circle has been placed correctly and should be multiplied upon correct placement.
The number could then be displayed in the report as Pass number: xx
This number will be a global called circlePassCounter, we shall when logic functions build a counter structure that can hold multiple counters as explained earlier, and then add counters for other objects / purposes as well.
Day 26
Time for coding none - Time used to ponder upon datastructures for further progress a couple of hours.
While not complete the below text holds a more structured view on creating a general datastructure holding the information of for example circleTimeReport as well as the proposed circlePassCounter.
The scorecard would probably be the perfect holding place for all this information about our objects.
But as we are actually working on generating a report based on those numbers, why not continue to define a data structure there that better enables us to add information on the different objects that can be move about on the screen and that we find of value for the training session. We can then when we are satisfied with the general structure move it to the scorecard, then create a data structure that can encompass multiple structures for different users etc.
Maybe something like populating an array with arrays holding all the information mentioned hereunder…
We already have some information for our report in place but let's make our report a little more complete.
For now we will hardcode a metadescription into the structure, but in time we will dynamically be creating the datastructure including the metadescription.
The metaDescription can be used for database purposes describing the values we would like to put into one or more tables - I will not go into separating data into 3 normal form here (an SQL related term), but when you design your arrays you should do yourself a favor an try to create groupings that logically make sense as well as optimizing them datawise.
Here a description of the fields in the progressReport array.
[metaDescription] - Array holding variables containing dynamically changeable information on objects that can be moved about on screen.
[objectIdentifier] - The objectIdentifier is a unique number, we give our objects to make it easier to programattically refer to them
[objectName] - The objectName, is simply a name in human readable form. It can be Circle, Square, Triangle or any of the other shapes used in our trainer
[startTime] - For each pass there is a startTime commencing the moment the shape is clicked
[stopTime] - For each pass there is a stopTime that is read the moment the shape is placed correctly
[usedTime] - For each pass there is a total of usedTime that is calculated the moment the shape is placed correctly, we use this time in our report a database would not need this information as it is a value that can be calculated and as it is a simple calculation not requiring massive computing power there is no need to save this variable. But for our txt report it will come in handy to store it in our array.
[passNumber] - passNumber is simply a counter that keeps track of what pass a specific timing event is for, these should all be tallied together as they are also useable elsewhere and not just as an identification of how a specific pass has been carried out.
[sessionsNumber] - sessionNumber is the number of the last session i.e. sessionsCounter + 1, this number “sessionsCounter” you can extract from data in the answersCountReport where sessionsCounter is stored.
[userIdentifier] - userIdentifier has to be a non person identifiable identifier that can then in a doctors database be related to a specific patient. Why non person identifiable ? Simple - To protect privacy - The application might be deployed in an environment where it sends information over the internet so to protect the user we need a non person identifiable identifier as a placeholder so that the information regarding training sessions potentially done at home will not be misused.
Another bite of data that might be interesting to put in a report for a doctor will be numbers of correct and wrong answers for a particular patient/player.
[metaDescription] - Array holding variables containing some dynamically changeable information on a users interaction with the application as well as information not intended to be dynamically chaged per session.
[userIdentifier] - This is the same userIdentifier as described above
[rightAnswers] - This is the number of right answers in total given for a specific person over the course of a number of sessions
[wrongAnswers] - This is the number of right answers in total given for a specific person over the course of a number of sessions
[sessionsCounter] - This is the total number of sessions carried out by the specific person in question
Day 27
Going to be working from morning Day 27 till morning Day 28, so no coding today
Day 28
Been working from yesterday morning till early morning today - After a few hrs. of sleep been trying to finish up the working week.
Evening now and would like to be coding but honestly doubt I'll be able to do any sensible work tonight other that preparing a livedistro and see if I can put a version of livecode onto the LiveDisk and with the current activision can keep coding or I need to have a new code or something.
Comments regarding the LiveCode Kickstarter
Comment made regarding the LiveCode Kickstarter - Kickstarter here
Great you are aiming at GLP'ing this platform, all software should be open sourced and free of patents only if this is the case we will see another golden age of computing as I remembered with the good old ZX-81 and the Spectrum where creating programs was just something you did for fun and everyone did it. I applaud your initiative - I've downloaded a trial from your site and will give it a spin creating a free app to help stroke victims and if it works I'll look at creating a few more using this platform. Also you should consider already now to allow people creating apps for all platforms in your 60 day trial if you are serious about going the open source way. Perhaps even skipping the whole 60 day limitation altogether already now if you are truly serious about this. I really hope you will reach your goal and will be trying to promote it if I'm happy about usability and end result.
Comment made regarding the LiveCode Kickstarter - Kickstarter here
Here's a thought if it has not already been mentioned - Why not make the complete commercial packages available, as a revenue sharing deal, in addition to the standard license set up you have right now.
imagine you getting 1% of the earnings from apps created if they become a hit.
Then people can if they have an overnight success and they wish to “buy” you out invest in the regular licenses after earning a certain amount of money - perhaps roughly what the tools would have cost them plus a little extra to you guys for being nice enough to offer the platform or people might by staying in the revenue sharing deal get perpetual updates and other perks that others might not have access to.
That way you could open up your entire platform for thousands of developers immediately who do not have the ability to pony up the cash up front and you might actually gain additional traction from such a move building an even bigger community right here and now.
I would also recommend considering free rides for charitable software developers making their products made with LiveCode freely available at no cost to the general public… “DISCLAIMER” yes I do fall into the latter category myself and am right now running a little LiveCode tryout to see if I can create a minute application that can be used in connection with stroke victim rehabilitation and if it works I am quite certain more will follow. If there are any avid users here already I have multiple of ideas for Open-Source Software FOSS apps that need to be made and no money or time myself but would welcome inquiries into an opportunity to help us out.
I'm doing my little tryout at - it is crude, will take eons of time compared to the demonstrations you have seen here, but the intent is fair and I hope I in this way can help create some interest for the Kickstarter as well… I will try to tweet a little on my profile about this kickstarter and my pledge, as well as I have already done on my other social networking platforms.
Once again - What a great initiative and wishing you guys the best of luck with the Kickstarter.
Comment made regarding the LiveCode Kickstarter - Kickstarter here
@RunRev & @Sean O'Connor Too bad about the details not being released to you but I guess Kickstarter is trying to protect itself from potential misuse as well…
@Sean O'Connor I agree with the comment below that the campaign is rather invisible to the world and that is actually too bad, because it is quite a worthy cause to see an environment like this being GPL3'ed.
I did write the FSF about the Kickstarter attempts and I have tried to blog on sina weibo (chinese twitter/facebook social network) as well as on my other social platforms G+ / Facebook - As well as running a dev test on my own site, that will be available through The Global Ability Initiative as soon as functionality is a little higher.
@All I suggest everyone interested in seeing this Kickstarter succeed, get working hard on spreading the news and if you at all can go that extra mile when you pledge.
I think the environment is pretty interesting, at day 5 of my LiveCode Experiment where I've basically only fiddled around a from minutes to a few hours per day. I have been able to, without knowing the development environment, nor the syntax beforehand and more or less without reading the manual… to move buttons about on screen, track their locations and determine if they are in the right place and making simple collision detection based on coordinates.
I can see that the current state of development, will enable me to use the object behaviour and data, as basis for puzzles etc. and for future use in place of buttons, I could put objects consisting of animated sprites etc. instead making it possible to create dynamic games as well, with what I expect would be a minor amount of code, compared to what I would have to get into, if I coded in something else like Java or Javascript.
Yeah I know it is crude code but like I said I'm just playing around and truly hope sound will be as easy as well as I have applications in need of good playback capability and have had difficulty in clean playback using HTML5 because of soundbite size and the way HTML5 seems to handle sound… If this is successful and I can do a cross platform compilation test and see that this is also okay then The Global Ability Initiative will be releasing a couple of further applications based on LiveCode as gratis FOSS, so as you can expect I really excited to see how well the experiment will pan out.
I strongly believe that if the above is in place I have found an environment in which to develop future applications that need to be cross platform.
@RunRev - Really looking forward to further project updates! Perhaps RunRev could provide a list of media coverage so that those of us posting on our social media platforms can push this material as well to increase visibility and notability of your project and also know what media we do not need to push to write about the Kickstarter etc.
Kind Regards
Einar Petersen
Comment made regarding the LiveCode Kickstarter - Kickstarter here
@Sean O'Connor / @RunRev
Yes the promotion seems to be low key and a project like this needs a lot of traction to truly get going, the more RunRev shouts out the better are their chances of reaching their milestone which is still some way off.
This is why I am asking about press coverage as it is vitally important to get good coverage as soon as possible.
Comment made regarding the LiveCode Kickstarter - Kickstarter here
@Shawn, yup this is precisely the kind of stuff we need to assist in the promotion of this project
@All - Remember to declare your locals and globals if you intend to keep your hair intact and not seem like a rambling madman to your wife cursing yourself, the machine and everything IT while fighting to get fields updated with information you know is there but just can't squeeze out…
Nevertheless I'm having fun with my LiveCode Experiment and hope through my blogging to at least be of mild entertainment to my readers…
But I'll be seeing if I could somehow squeeze that graphic into my stream tonight before bedtime…
@RunRev what is happening with that list of outlets mentioned that are already talking about the LiveCode Kickstarter - publishing the list with links to press also helps you get better ranking etc. and it give us backers a possibility to link to material backing our enthusiasm for the environment.
A continually updated list would be appreciated and is strongly recommended, also do an app marathon this weekend, invite people to participate and see what amazing stuff could be created in the course of 48 hrs…, and if you do not have it already I strongly suggest putting resources on a massive press push an app marathon could be what sparked the interest of the tech press.
You're almost a third of the way now, keep fighting the good fight!
Spændende Kickstarter - Open Source Edition of LiveCode (GPL3)
Indtil for blot et par dage siden havde jeg ikke hørt om LiveCode, men så faldt jeg over en artikkel om transition fra closed source til Open Source…
Åbenbart så er de i gang med en Kickstarter der går ud på at smide softwaren ud som GPL3 hvis deres Kickstarter er successfuld.
Du kan finde Kickstarteren her:…
Jeg kendte ikke LiveCode platformen, men kunne ikke efter at have set deres promo lade være med at downloade deres 60 dages demo til Linux.
Jeg har siddet og leget lidt… DEADLINK - Ja ja da - koden er vildt grim som jeg har flikket sammen og ikke særlig objektorienteret… men jeg leger kun og så må jeg indrømme at jeg ikke har kigget frygtelig meget i manualen :) ah well…
Det der tiltaler mig ved LiveCode Kickstarteren er at de har et udviklingsværktøj som du kan lave cross platform kompilering til og som de vil gøre tilgængelig under GPL3.
Umiddelbart synes miljøet lynhurtigt at lære og syntax strukturen simplere end f.eks. Java eller Javascript det er lidt svært at vænne sig til ikke at skulle skrive alenlange sætninger :)
Jeg kunne derfor ikke lade være med at tegne mig som pledger af principielle årsager - Synes det er enormt fantastisk at se udviklingsværktøjer som dette blive released som GPL3.
Det synes Steve Wozniak og Cory Doctorow åbenbart også og de har også tegnet sig for hver deres pledge og når “respektable” folksom disse tegner sig som pledgers så er projektet nok heller ikke helt ved siden af.
Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at høre - Er der andre her som af principielle årsager kunne finde på at pledge til et sådant projekt eller er det helt hen i vejret at tænke således efter jeres mening ?
Kickstarter campaign to Open Source the LiveCode environment under a GPL3 license
Yup you heard it here first :)
I came across a really exciting Kickstarter the other day and it seems I am not alone in being intrigued.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak believes so much in British Software Company's vision for School Kids' education that he has made a considerable pledge to RunRev's kickstarter campaign to Open Source the LiveCode environment under a GPL3 license as does Cory Doctorow…
I've been playing around with the environment and suggest that if you are a programmer hobbyist or seasoned that you test the environment you will find links to RunRev's homepage from their Kickstarter campaign and there you can get your hands on a 60 day trial, and hopefully if the Kickstarter is successful a GPL3 licensed community edition with the full capabilities. If you suddenly want to go commercial and hide what you program i you can purchase an enterprise edition.
You can find my beginning dabblings with LiveCode here - eventually I'll make a proper tutorial if I succeed. I'm making a simple app to train dexterity and test logical abilities for stroke victims that will report back to doctors etc. so they can follow their patients progress, it'll be free and open source off course.
Why am I writing a post about LiveCode here - Well I have to admit I have a vested interest in seeing the Kickstarter succeed, after playing around I decided to become a backer of this project by making a pledge not just because I feel it is an interesting development environment but also as I am an avid proponent of Open Source wanted and wanted to do my bit to make this Kickstarter a success and suggest that if you find the project remotely interesting that you make a pledge yourself! After all we are all interested in better tools and speeding up development time.
Something else that is extremely interesting with the LiveCode environment is the ability to write once and then compile to multiple operating systems, both mobile and desktop and totally cross platform.
I also think the the environment is perfect for teaching non programmers to program as the syntax is very natural language like. But at the same time I think it is also quite suitable for both hobbyists as well as seasoned programmers
The campaign at the time of writing stands at 927 Backers having pledged £112,467 towards the £350,000 goal with 12 days to go.
But enough talk, you can find the Kickstarter here:
And even if you can't support the Kickstarter financially you can help create the buzz that it needs to happen to make this Kickstarter a success.
Whatever you do I hope you have fun and that you want to support the efforts to make LiveCode a GPL3 product.
Post on Linuxquestions
Yup you heard it here first :)
I came across a really exciting Kickstarter the other day and it seems I am not alone in being intrigued.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak believes so much in British Software Company's vision for School Kids' education that he has made a considerable pledge to RunRev's Kickstarter campaign to Open Source the LiveCode environment under a GPL3 license as does Cory Doctorow…
I've been playing around with the environment and suggest that if you are a programmer hobbyist or seasoned programmer, that you test the environment, you will find links to RunRev's homepage from their Kickstarter campaign mentioned further down and there you can get your hands on a 60 day trial and hopefully if the Kickstarter is successful we'll all freely be downloading a GPL3 licensed community edition with the full capabilities soon. If you suddenly want to go commercial and hide what you program in you can always purchase an enterprise edition so this is for people Free Open-Source Software" FOSS as well as the more… well err sneaky types ;)
You can find my beginning dabblings with LiveCode here - The code is gross at the moment as I haven't really read the manual, but eventually I'll make a proper tutorial of my little project if I succeed. I'm making a simple app to train dexterity and test logical abilities for stroke victims, that will report back to doctors etc. so they can follow their patients progress, it'll be free and open source off course. Have tonnes of small projects like this if anyone would like to help regarding The Global Ability Initiative and free software for the disabled, just give me a ping.
Why am I writing a post about LiveCode here - Well I have to admit I have a vested interest in seeing the Kickstarter succeed, after playing around I decided to become a backer of this project as well by making a pledge, not just because I feel it is an interesting development environment but also as I am an avid proponent of Open Source wanted and wanted to do my bit to make this Kickstarter a success and I suggest that if you find the project remotely interesting, that you also make a pledge yourself!
After all we are all interested in better tools and speeding up development time and if we can do it with GNU General Public License GPL tools all the better.
Something else that is extremely interesting with the LiveCode environment is the ability to write once and then compile to multiple operating systems, both mobile and desktop and totally cross platform.
I also think the the environment seems perfect for teaching non programmers to program as the syntax is very natural language like.
But at the same time I think it is also quite suitable for both hobbyists as well as seasoned programmers.
The campaign at the time of writing stands at 927 Backers having pledged £112,467 towards the £350,000 goal with 12 days to go.
But enough talk, you can find the Kickstarter here:
And even if you can't support the Kickstarter financially you can help create the buzz that it needs to happen to make this Kickstarter a success.
Whatever you do I hope you have fun and that you want to support the efforts to make LiveCode a GPL3 product.
Comments made about Kickstarter -
Einar Petersen about 2 hours ago
So today I've been trying to find places where I could legitimately post threads about the LiveCode Kickstarter within my social sphere, both publicly as well as internally on intranet in my professional circles and at the same time without it being considered spam…,
I've posted most of the comments and links to said comments on my page you can find them below the chapter… of my own little LiveCodeExperiment - I suggest all of you think about where and how you yourselves can do something similar in order to propel the Kickstarter forward…
Take care - Keep up the good work!
@Cyril Pruszko - had a brief look and commend you on the links and work you posted!
Those of you interested in playing a little with LiveCode would do yourself a favour by checking it out…
Hey there, so what to do to get the message out… Well I've take to Facebook advertising :) As in real ADVERTISEMENTS.
I wanted a simple message something like:
Code in Linux, Mac or Windows, write once.
Deploy to iOS, Android, Linux, Macintosh, Windows, profit ???
Must be expensive…
No FREE if you want it to be!!!
This is what I actually ended up with, due to space, punctuation restriction, a 10 US$ daily budget, 0,41 per click, running from today to 27'th.
The ad has the following audience:
US - 18+
- Broad Categories, Business/Technology: Computer Programming, Education Teaching, Small Business Owners
Narrow Categories: #Computer programming, #Computer science, #Source code, #Comment (computer programming), #Porting
In total targetted at 409380 people
The text of the AD
Next Generation LiveCode
Deploy to iOS, Android, Linux, Macintosh, Windows. Expensive? FREE if you want it to be!
The advertisement has been approved - hope it helps, if any of you are in the position to do anything like this maybe you should try it.
Let's see if we can't pull this one off, the projection says we're inches away - let us get some momentum rolling!!!
Also submitted to Kickstarter as a suggestion :)
@Kickstarter - how about an option where a project can put a hold on taking in more pledges and within a reasonable timeperiod request pledgers to vote on a possible extension of the project, the vote could be based on general majority i.e. if 70% voted the project was allowed to extend the deadline for completion. Those that did not agree would automatically be absolved from any pledge made. This could help projects that are very close to completing to achieve their goals. You could say projects needed to be past a certain milestone i.e. at least 50% of funding secured so as to make sure only projects with an active community would be able to do something akin to an extension. Kickstarter could even take 1% or more in addtional fees just to make sure this feature did not appeal to projects on an infinite basis. Project not past the 50% mark should repost with adjusted goals so as to reflect actual interest or realism. Now there I said it… it's in the open so nobody can patent this “method for extending crowd funding project funding period” or whatever such a patent might be called :) Hope Kickstater would like to implement anyway…
Will not be posting further Kickstarter comments for now… unless something interesting comes up - is the site dedicated to LiveCode mentioned in the comment above that you might want to check out!
Tipped off the following media outlets as to the Kickstarter
Her er noget som I evt. kunne tænkes at skrive lidt om.
Indtil for blot et par dage siden havde jeg ikke hørt om LiveCode, men så faldt jeg over en artikkel om transition fra closed source til Open Source…
Åbenbart så er RunRev i gang med en Kickstarter, der går ud på at udgive softwaren som tidligere var closed source ud som GPL3, hvis deres Kickstarter er successfuld.
Du kan finde selve Kickstarteren her:…
Jeg kendte ikke LiveCode platformen, men kunne ikke efter at have set deres promo lade være med at downloade deres 60 dages demo til Linux.
Jeg har siddet og leget lidt og det er faktisk interessant hvad man kan flikke sammen uden det store forhåndskendskab, flytbare knapper, colission detection, billedvisning etc. og det med kommandoer så forståelige som
En flytbar knap
on mouseDown grab target end mouseDown
Eller simpel colission detect
if intersect( img "billede1" , img "billede2") then < GØR ET ELLER ANDET > F.eks set the loc of img "billede1" to 50, 50 end ifVille flytte billede 1 til 50,50 såfremt det rammer billede2 - Kunne være hvilken som helst anden funktionalitet.
Det der især tiltaler mig ved LiveCode Kickstarteren er at de har et udviklingsværktøj som du kan lave cross platform kompilering til og som de vil gøre tilgængelig under GPL3.
Umiddelbart synes miljøet lynhurtigt at lære og syntax strukturen simplere end f.eks. Java eller Javascript det er lidt svært at vænne sig til ikke at skulle skrive alenlange sætninger :)
Jeg kunne derfor ikke lade være med at tegne mig som pledger af principielle årsager - Synes det er enormt fantastisk at se udviklingsværktøjer som dette blive released som GPL3.
Det synes Steve Wozniak og Cory Doctorow åbenbart også og de har også tegnet sig for hver deres pledge og når “respektable” folksom disse tegner sig som pledgers så er projektet nok heller ikke helt ved siden af.
Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at høre …… læseres mening er der andre her som af principielle årsager kunne finde på at pledge til et sådant projekt eller er det helt hen i vejret at tænke således efter jeres mening ?
Other media outlets tipped off regarding Kickstarter Campaign
Geekosystem *
TechCrunch *
Techradar *
Huffington Post UK *
NewRisingMedia *
The Register *
Slate *
TrendHunter *
I understand we're going to use OpenSource hard and software to build this thing.
So how about making things easy for ourself +
we could use the near human language programming environment LiveCode that is on it's way to come under a GPL3 license as you can see here
- The development enwironment will enable us to create super cool screen displays, we will be able to deploy our code across a whole slew of operating systems both desktop as well as mobile and we only need to write the code once… now that is a boon since there will likely be a lot of different units running loads of different operating systems all over the station…
Also collission detection is extremely easy with this environment and can when the environment is Open Sourced undoubtably be extended to cover both Asteroids as well as proton torpedoes…
What say you are you with me ?
I've been trying out LiveCode for an application to train dexterity and logical thinking for aphasia and stroke victims. With no prior knowledge, in less than 14 days, only dabbling from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours per day, even interrupted for several whole days, I have been able to create the basis needed for said application. The LiveCode Environment is a write once deploy to many Operating System OS/mobile platforms system, making it very interesting and I recommend you to try it.