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Stories by Humans for Humans™ - 包括中国汉版本

Latest news:

But first a long twitter thread containing information and resources related to COVID19 - I hope you never have to use any of it, but encourage you to read the entire thread.</br></br>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here is a take on using splitters to extend a regular ventilator for up to 4 (four) persons by emergency Medical Doctor Charlene Babcock <a href=""></a> and this is the study <a href=""></a> done several years ago, read and spread <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MacGyverHealthcare</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ventilator</a></p>&mdash; Einar Petersen (@TheEinarkist) <a href="">April 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Kickstarter to fund conversion of Implant! to a format readable by the visually impaired and blind

Make/100 the QHIliin SUCCESSFULLY FUNDED! on Kickstarter raising funds for Reckoning, my 3D comicbook that can be read by the visually impaired to be funded by 3D printing Miniatures from the series. See more about Reckoning at

Implant! successfully funded on Kickstarter Implant!

Survival-kit, a short cautionary tale from the future, of when AI goes rogue - Read Survival-kit New collaboration partner on Reckoning my science fiction comicbook conversion project on Patreon read more here: and here:

Reviews of Tertiary and The Arianne Stories by John F. Coppinger now online here on the wiki, plus on GoodReads and on Amazon. The story of a Lonely Girl - Korean test translation available and my Patreon page is now live at <- click here!!! to see my awesome scifi 3D comicbook project Reckoning evolving.

Kickstart of Implant! is on hold, as it has moved to Implant! ADOPTAPAGE.COM !!! The first issue of "The Einarkist" my newsletter is out now! Take a peek and sign up!

问世此时 一个孤单女孩的故事 The story of a Lonely Girl - available as Chinese PDF download.

Fjørufólkið/Fiordlings/黄金眼 - a tri language release!!! Korean Crowd Funding project for translation of "The Story of a Lonely Girl" STAR WARS Charity Auction - STAR WARS Weekend 2012 Auction at E-Bay over. Proceeds + additional donation sent to the Royal Marsden Cancer Campaign.

 </br></br><table> <tr> <td>  </td> <td> <img src=""  width="1024" height="768" alt="itsawiki.png - always under construction"> </td> <tr> </table>

Join me on Google+ - Join me on Twitter

Welcome to, the place for “all things me”.

As those of you who know me, are already aware. I have many interests/hobbies and doings.

This page an attempt to organize information that might be of interest to people and an attempt to create a forum that will allow me to better collaborate with those that share a fellow interest with me.

Below you can find links to pages about just about anything related to me. Here you can see how to support me.

Free 3D resources - 3000 Asteroids, Lightning, spaceships, troopers and more to come.

Career - Professional info.

Contact information - How to get in touch with me.

Writings - My more creative side.

My Blender3D/Unity 3D Games

FOSS / Open Source Ventures - To which I have direct affiliation.

Free Energy - No this is not a discussion on violating of the laws of thermodynamics. We're talking wind energy!

Philantrophy - Ventures to which I am tied or support.

Philosophic musings - Worldviews and suggestions to making our world a better one.

Proposed reading and viewing - A list of noteworthy books, texts and flicks you might want to read and or see.

Interesting Organizations and sites - Sites I could imagine might be of interest to you and even helpful.

I want one! - Things I need ;o)

Howto - How to do things…

Cancer research - A cure or inhibitor for Liver Cancer! - work in progress

Support me!

<a href="" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">Become a Patron!</a><script async src=""> </br></script>

Contact : Contact and pledge

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start.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/17 18:46 by